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    According to the Tax Foundation the U.S. has the 3rd highest corporate tax rate at 38.9% in the world. Compare that to Ireland for example, a company that Apple has been using as a tax shelter 12.5% and I believe an argument can be made that a lower corporate tax rate can incentivize corporations to move their base of

    If I recall that case correctly, the plaintiff placed a cup of hot coffee in between her legs, and since the lid was not on tight enough, the coffee burned her and she suffered significant injury as a result. Am I remembering correctly?

    I assume the main benefit of Handbrake over DVDShrink is the ability to select the desired output format?

    “He’s watched sequences when he was physically orchestrating them” in other words he has seen the scenes that his music were featured in, but he just hasn’t watch the films from start to finish.

    The sentiment behind this truce was represented in the 2005 film Joyeux Noel (albeit not entirely historically accurate).

    That’s still 3x the price this thing use to be. Hopefully when Teva comes out with their version, that will further bring the cost down for this potentially life-saving medication.

    The notion that Ivanka Trump is obligated to fly privately because her family is wealthy sounds a little ridiculous to me. Whether you like her family or not, agree with her father’s policies or not, people should treat each other with decency and respect. If nothing else this guy could have set a better example for

    Also of note, at least in the U.S. Christmas is a national holiday, so there is that as well.

    You have to give it to this artist for paying homage to Hieronymus Bosch.

    Apple certainly is commited to its “...ideals, pledging to continue “stand[ing] up for what we believe in” like that 13 billion euro tax shelter in Ireland.

    Alerting drivers earlier with more cones as the video author suggested is a sensible suggestion. However, to be fair, no one should be going anywhere close to 40 mph under those road conditions. Blocking the road is not ideal, however I doubt Comcast trucks would be allowed to park on private driveways.

    Most voice recording apps will end the recording if you receive a call while recording. Some will end if you receive a txt message or another notification. Does anyone know of an app that will not end recording when a call is received?

    I would think that POE (Power Over Ethernet) hooked up to a standard wireless router on the other end could provide similar functionality. How would you compare the speed differences assuming you have say a 1 megabit POE with wifi router compared to the pricier mesh networking alternatives?

    Chrome. I see. Then what’s the calendar integration about? Is it just so you can see your ToDo list and calendar on the same screen?

    I’m adding due dates and reminders, but I’m not seeing those added to my Google Calendar. Did I misunderstand how Handle integrates with the calendar?

    @Thorin could you please tell us which device you used to compare these apps? I think the generation of device being used has a major impact on the quality of the scanned photo. I used Photomyne on a iPad 3 and the result was terrible.. The differences in color, brightness, contrast, and clarity compared to the

    While the data is far from conclusive at this point, research suggests that since the introduction of artificial sweeteners to the market, that there has been a rise in obesity. While correlation does not necessarily equate to causation, this trend is troubling. In addition, new research on how our brains responds to

    Tried Photomyne on an iPad 3 and it produced pretty terrible results. Perhaps that’s why Photoscan is only compatible with the newer models of iPhones/iPads the one’s with improved cameras.

    Thanks for the great tool. Have you considered a bittorrent option to help alleviate the site overload?