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    Some patients I’ve seen are speaking from personal experience as you suggested and some are listening to the “grapevine”. Either way, patient education is key and often proves to counter false assumptions. Of course, there are always going to be patients who are so fixed on their false beliefs that no amount of

    It will be interesting to see how much this device will cost out-of-pocket and how long it takes American insurance companies to cover it. In the long run, devices such as this one should save money as it will inevitably decrease hospitalizations for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetic ketoacidosis (a

    I’m sorry to hear about your experience, I’m sure that was very difficult for you.. However, as Beth correctly pointed out in her article, it is scientifically impossible to contract the flu from the inactivated (dead) influenza vaccine. The reaction that you had to the shot is unfortunate, but not the norm. There are

    Why get pissed off. Those people might believe that because they are ignorant of the reality. It is their PCP’s job to educate them. Unfortunately, a lot of docs do not take the time to fully explain this to patients and make sure that they understand, so that this myth doesn’t get perpetuated. I’ve found that more

    From reading through a lot of these comments, it appears that herd immunity is far too underrated.

    The bugs (bacteria) are not necessarily stronger persay, the one’s that are able to survive the antibacterial live, while the others die. Therefore they are said to be “resistant” to certain antibiotics. It’s not about strength necessarily, it is just that some bacteria have a natural resistance.

    In the case of

    I like your explanation of antibacterials and the potential for resistance. Regarding your vaccine comment, I would like to add that not all vaccines are deactivated. A number of them, not including the influenza shot are live:

    Your model is intriguing. However, you based the lost work days or feeling crummy at work days based on “guess from personal experience”. While that may be true for you, everyone’s immune system is different. Especially for people with other illnesses, like say diabetes. A disease which unfortunately affects ~29

    “All Health Insurance Marketplace plans and most other private insurance plans must cover the following list of vaccines without charging a copayment or coinsurance when provided by an in-network provider. This is true even for patients who have not met a yearly deductible.” - CDC

    http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htmExcellent article. I would add that if you get the flu shot and later contract the flu, due to the less than 100% effectiveness, the symptoms are likely to be less severe and much shorter, due to your body’s humoral (memory) immune response.

    In addition, if you do experience

    Absolutely disgusted with the fact that this hack happened in 2014 and it is only after a leak that Yahoo was forced to announce this to its users. Good thing I stopped using Yahoo 10 years ago,

    Slight correction on #4. According to the Canadian guidelines that you referenced the number of drinks per day varies by sex, no more than 2 per day for women and no more than 3 per day for men. Unfortunately, those guidelines are from 2013. According to more recent data, 2 or 3 drinks/day regardless of gender is too

    Nothing earth-shattering here. And with the Win 10 privacy issues, I’ll stick with 8.1. I can’t see myself ever really talking to my computer (via Cortana) rather than finding things myself. To each his own I suppose.

    I believe he is saying that the focus should not be on breaking communications, but rather cutting off ISIS’s source of funding.

    Awesome. It would be nice if Chase would let it’s customers know this, rather than posting misleading info on their activation page. NerdWallet claims that they verified with Chase that the promotion lasts through the end of 2016.

    I would say that the dangers of high protein diet in people with healthy kidneys is overblown. You did mention this briefly, but I think people skimming this article may have miss the key point that these rules don’t apply to people with damaged kidneys. And, .with so many people with hypertension and diabetes which

    The man was already convicted of fraud, prior to the time when he starting selling books. Why anyone would take the word of someone like that, and actually purchase his books, is a mystery to me. I guess when people get so desperate that they will try anything, they lose objectivity. It’s a pity he was only sentenced

    You could use WhatsApp since it is cross platform.

    There are a number of high end vehicles missing from the list. Porsche for one. I’m surprised to see Volvo near the top of the list.

    Absolutely. Check out the Dunes in late March :-) Water, sand with snow, amazing!