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    From my understanding, the allergic reaction that some women have to the copper IUD is a very small percentage. You are correct that the Copper IUDs are unfortunately associated with an increased in menstrual blood loss compared to no contraception.

    This page has a great chart with info comparing the different types

    One potential reason is that Depo-Provera is known to cause weight gain as a potential side effect compared to other forms of birth control. Another is that the woman has to remember to go in every 4 months for another injection. For some, rge SE’s outweigh the benefits I suppose.

    Great article! One thing I would add is that unlike the hormonal-based IUD, the copper IUD Paragard is completely hormone free. Women will therefore not have the side effects like breakthrough bleeding (spotting), that they may experience with other hormone-based IUDs or hormone based oral contraceptives. In addition,

    That may be, but not everyone who reads this post is going to have read the other posts that you have mentioned. Even with the author acknowledging that he has no medical training or science behind his claims in the disclaimer, it is still irresponsible to claim something is “safe” when it may or may not be. Instead,

    I think there is a fundamental premise that the title of this article suggests, which is not based on established facts. There is currently insufficient evidence published in peer-reviewed journals of the potential long-term effects of marijuana use. One could of course make the same argument against alcohol, however

    Another advantage of Gmail I believe is the spam filter. It’s probably the best I’ve used. It also does a nice job flagging phishing attemps. I find that outlook has a lot of false positives being sent to spam. In addition, while outlook has rules, I don’t feel as though they are as user friendly as Gmail’s filters.

    Actually, filters can be set up to send unwanted mail directly to trash and not just Spam. So this will essentially block unwanted email from a particular sender or senders.

    Thank you for sharing your experience, I’m happy to hear that you have found some relief from your chronic pain. One thing in your story that I think is missing is this article is a little background on how your pain started. Was there an inciting event like trauma or an injury? Did the pain just come out-of-the-blue?

    I would also be interested hear your gripes with it. On a Mac is has been one of the best for a long time. Still, as others have said, it would be interesting to get a side-by-side comparison with utorrent 2.2.1

    Correction, ICD 10 in the U.K. was mandated in 1995! The U.S. didn’t adopt until Oct 2015.

    While it is true that ICD-10 which I believe is what you are referring to is going to take some growing pains, one of the main purposes behind ICD-10 is to prevent errors and fraud. In addition, ICD-10 has been used in Europe for 5+ years. The U.S. has unfortunately been way behind in this regard. It is not enough

    Agreed, the gaming mode is an indication that the AV is to invasive to begin with. Bitdefender also has annoying daily popups.

    One major gripe I have with Google Maps is that search results are not sorted by distance to you. This seems like a super-easy thing to fix. Waze seems to do a better job of this. Does anyone else find it strange that Google would leave Maps like that?


    “ I recommend using the host file but needs some knowledge to use” Could you clarify what you mean by this?

    If you enable Silent/Gaming mode in Avast you can eliminate a lot of the annoyances.

    What are some of the other Lifehacker favorite read later apps that you are referencing?

    I miss toread.cc, a service that generated a unique bookmarklet for your email address – you clicked the bookmarklet and a full copy of the page landed almost immediately in your inbox, not exactly like the original but close because it was a cached copy of the webpage, not just the url. I’ve tried Pocket and

    Overall, I gained a better appreciation for the ISO setting, but wish they would have shown more examples of different settings used and how that will affect the lighting in the photo.