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    Interesting, I wonder if there is any reliable data to track what percentage of vape users are purchasing their own e-liquid compared to those who purchase pre-packaged Blu-like products?

    I see. Do you think the average consumer is aware of that conversion, when the average American has poor math skills: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetw…

    And, that was just one example of a popular site. Do you believe that every manufacturer makes it clear? LizardJuice for example specifies the mg’s outright, with no

    When I have stated in my previous posts and replies that many EC manufactures do not disclose the amount of nicotine in their products, this is the kind of thing I am referring to. There have been a lot of posters that have disputed this, and while some manufactures do, others do not, and hence the need for tighter

    While the research is ongoing, the fact remains that nicotine is a stimulant, as is caffeine. If someone drinks 10 cups of coffee a day, that can lead to some cardivascular complications due to vasoconstriction. Many smokers already suffer from hypertension and diabetes, both of which put undo burden on the heart. The

    I’m actually learning a lot about ECs from this discussion, so thank you for your input. My understanding is that while some consumers can choose to purchase e-liquid, some ECs come pre-packaged, and their contents are not necessarily disclosed.

    I wouldn’t say that I am a sheep. I’m trying to become more informed on this issue actually. You brought up an interesting point about self-regulation. Do you think that the average consumer can really self-regulate the amount of nicotine that they take in? What if this is a person with pre-existing hypertension, or

    That’s not really what I was saying. I’m all for encouraging novel approaches to smoking cessation. The issues I have are the lack of regulation on the EC industry, the thought that many misinformed folks have that ECs are actually safe, and the issue with transferring one addiction to another, particularly without

    “The cause of EC replacing cigarettes is hurt by people reacting the way you have,” Thank you for your response. At present we do not know the longterm effects of EC use, so it would be irresponsible of the FDA, not to regulate such a product. In 10-15 years, I am willing to be we find that vaping will lead to it’s

    It depends on the concentration and frequency of use. And there is a difference between inhaling nicotine and having it absorb transdermally or in the oral cavity through gum, or even nasal spray.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Although, as the article mentions, ECs are not safe, they are just a lot safer than cigarettes. Nicotine still can do some damage.

    Any plans to taper down the vaping and quit altogether, or was that not your intention when you decided to make the switch originally?

    Question for former smokers who have switched to e-cigarettes: Have you found that since you started using ECs that you have increased, decreased, or smoked at about the same frequency of EC as when you started smoking ECs?

    Some research, although there is still some present debate, indicates that nicotine on it’s own leads to vasoconstriction, which can cause cardiovascular complications. One study I read, even links it to atherosclerosis. In addition, inhalation of anything can irritate the lungs. And we know that the more the lungs

    Thank you for your reply. I would be interested to read what your source of information is with regard to the comparable safety of caffeine to nicotine.

    Thank you for your reply and I am happy to hear that you have had success while using e-cigs. You bring up a number of good points. Here is a recent article that discusses what we do and don’t currently know about ECs: http://vitals.lifehacker.com/are-e-cigarett…

    I wonder what kind of specs an existing laptop must already have in order to get the kind of performance that the article is referencing. It will be interesting to watch for the minimum requirements when and if these boxes hit the market.

    My apologies, I was replying to another poster. I disagree with the assertion that I am the only one stating that ECs are safe. EC manufacturers certainly market their product as such. The whole philosophy of the EC manufacturers is to convert cigarette users to lifelong EC users to earn a profit.

    Thank you for your reply and I am happy to hear that you have been able to quit smoking!

    I’m not trying to spread false information. And despite what consumers are being told in vape shops, manufacturers are currently not required in the States to disclose the amount of nicotine in each EC. So, I am not sure how those vape shops have come by that information.

    I have to somewhat disagree with your assertion

    I’ll have to look up the Cochrane review that the report references. However, it also states that