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    "if a doctor suspects a bacterial infection like strep throat, she should test for it before writing the prescription."

    Actually I think you misunderstood me, or else I was not clear enough with my last post. Pregnant women in general are more prone to muscular injury and pain, due to changes in hormones that I referenced earlier. I was actually advocating strength training during pregnancy as evidenced has shown benefit for both the

    As a member of the medical profession, let me offer my two cents. I applaud the author's efforts to inform women that they can in fact and should exercise during their pregnancy. There have been numerous studies that indicate that not only does exercise and even vigorous exercise during pregnancy, not only improve

    What exactly are you referring to when you say getting "something"? A lot of people have a misconception of the flu shot. You cannot get the flu from a flu shot. The shot contains components of a killed virus. A killed virus cannot become active and infect you with the flu. Your body can have a reaction to the

    I have to respectfully disagree with you there. A lot of people, especially those who are immunocompromised can die from a flu infection. In those patients it is imperative that they get the flu vaccine.

    Not only is it not too late to get a flu shot right now, but it is not too late to get a flu shot even if you get the flu. A lot of people don' realize that there are hundreds of strains of the flu, and the flu shot covers you for the strains that are most likely to infect this season. How do we know which strains are

    Satire is comedy. Assassination is not.

    Can you honestly say that a movie where the main plot is a joke about the assassination of the leader of a sovereign nation, even if he is a dictator, is art? I guess anything could technically be claimed as art. However, is that really the message we as Americans want to send to the test of the world. That we think

    Perhaps policies was the wrong word to use. I agree with you that by all accounts life for the people in North Korea is abysmal and their leaders do not seem to have the moral imperative to change that. So, contrary to your statements, I'm not ill informed. My point was on the greater issue of celebrating the

    I was not equating David Cameron to Kim Jong Un. The connection between them that I was pointing out is they are both leaders of sovereign nations. One is an elected official, the other by all accounts is a figure head in a corrupt oligarchy. However, they are both heads of their respective states.

    I cannot believe that project was greenlit to begin with. I mean, it's pretty poor taste to make a movie about an assassination attempt of someone living. Let alone a comedy about it. And on top of that, someone who is not only alive but a sitting leader of a nation. You or I might not agree with North Korea's

    "Had the DA taken involuntary manslaughter, instead of murder to the grand jury, then the grand jury may have been more inclined to indict the officer. However, with only murder on the table, the grand jury had no choice." Apparently I was mistaken with this comment. As of yet, the grand jury testimony has not been

    You can see him trying to push the officers away and telling them not to touch him. By law, refusing any order that the police give you, when you have been placed under arrest is resisting arrest. It's unfortunate what happened to Mr. Garner. However, the officer had no way of knowing that he was asthmatic. And,

    I agree with your three points and thank you for engaging in conversation.

    I agree that the officer who choked Mr. Garnder should have been held accountable. However, as I stated in my first post it was the DA the screwed that up, by asking the grand jury to consider murder. This was clearly not murder, the officer had no intent to kill Mr. Gardner. I suspect the reason the DA asked for

    The police should not harass anyone, and I agree that minority communities do have cause to mistrust the police, however mistrusting or not, you have to follow the orders of law enforcement, whether you agree with them or not. If you don't you put yourself in a terrible situation. Had Michael Brown, not gotten into a

    Actually, I'm not. I'm a mix. And, unfortunately, I have been the subject of racism and discrimination in the past. However, that has no bearing on my comments. I'm open to having a substantive discussion on the issue if you would care to engage.

    There is no evidence that racism had anything to do with the unfortunate death of Mr. Garner. He was resisting arrest. And GOAT_RODEO, joking about the death of someone, is in poor taste. The officer who choked him, when he should not have, did not know he had asthma, and did not mean to kill him. It was an

    If you click on the labels button, you can put messages in the trash.

    I think your statement: "Wilson fired the gun when he shouldn't have. He "misused" it, as officers regularly do, and his department and the local government have gone to great lengths to defend him. " is grossly unfair. This is a tech article as others have said. What qualifications do you have in order to make such a