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    Or you could use an app like Sunrise if you are on iOS, or I'm sure there are Android alternatives.

    Lightroom is an awesome piece of software, with a very small learning curve. Have you checked it out?

    What are the advantages of iPhoto over Picasa? I actually never liked how iPhoto organized my album in an iPod-like fashion with weird folders of letters and numbers. I haven't used it in a while now, so not sure if that has changed. But, I was always happier with Picasa.

    Now $35.99

    Now $35.99

    One of the lesser-talked about features of Photoshop is the ability to go back and forth between different photo editing programs, like Lightroom (LR) to Photoshop for example. You can be editing your photo in LR but then want to do something more advanced that either LR doesn't support, or is easier with Photoshop.

    Wifi tethering without having to pay another $20-30 a month to use the data that you already pay for. True access to the file system through iFile. The list goes on. Is Jailbreaking obsolete? Absolutely not.

    The new predictive keyboard in iOS looks awesome and its smart learning system makes it look like it'll make typing messages a lot easier. If you're jailbroken, PredictiveKeyboard does the same thing. The more you use it, the more it learns about your typing habits, which helps make it work faster. Surprisingly, the

    The program also narrowed all of my scroll bars. It made changes to things that I never asked it to. I would not recommend anyone on Win 8.1 use this. I had to perform a system restore just to get things back to normal. And, every time you open the program, it changes things again. Beware.

    Heads up for anyone on Win 8 thinking about trying Ultimate Windows Tweaker: If you have another program, like Start8 or ClassicShell that has modified some of the default Windows 8 options, like skipping Win 8 start screen on boot Ultimate Windows Tweaker (UWT) will mess with whatever you have changed. For example, I

    Just opened my app and no self-destruct yet.

    I wish they would filter search results by distance to you, rather than in a haphazard list with no rhyme or reason. I can't believe that feature has not been sorted out yet.

    Wouldn't the event viewer be erased if someone reformatted before selling their machine? I know I would reformat before I either gave or sold one of mine to somebody.

    I'd love to see an updated guide to getting free space on Dropbox, since the linked article is from 2011. Is Dropbox no longer doing their space race and other scavenger hunt type promotions? I've already maxed out my referrals.

    Does Google+ really give you unlimited space or do they just pull from your Gmail/GDrive quota?

    Is ejecting really necessary in Windows? My understanding is that as long as no files on the drive are currently in use, that it does not make a difference whether you eject or just unplug the USB. Thoughts?

    Hey, that could be possible. My Twitter account was recently hacked and I had like 1000 new twitter feeds that I was following. Made sure to change my password right away, but who knows if that is what happened or not.

    Perhaps my standards are a bit skewed. You could be right. However, often times I find that I have to chase down the server to for example get a refill on a drink, or bread or something that I feel like they should be checking on, regularly. A lot of the time, if I ask for water, and I always ask for either a lemon or

    From my understanding the salary scale depends on the state. In CA servers get minimum wage or close to it, plus tips. In MI servers get something close to $3 plus tips, so really they live on those tips. I don't mind throwing down a few extra dollars here or there to help someone out who is not making nearly enough,