
Trolls get clicks.

I put that blame more on those around him giving him financial advise. They should have known better, but they probably told him that it’d be okay if he just did it all “this way” or “that way”.

You should use IBM’s Watson to crunch the numbers, come up with a single unifying theory of trolling. The one trolling comment that would apply to all situations and achieve maximum impact.

Her name is Fish Mooney.

They do look comfortable.

“...and my name was Fish Mooney.”

“ It’s for the casual hat-wearer who wants to bathe their face in music...”

When I was in high school, you’d have to pay ME to attend a pep rally.

It feels like there are two roles that are played by way of the presidential position, and this is where the “my/not my” comes up. Those who say he is not their president are saying they do not consider him a representative leader, someone they accept as being in charge of the country in which they live. It’s like

Maybe after it was cropped it automatically did some sort of photo adjustment (before it had a lot of white background), but the two shots definitely look different. I would never say it was intentional, perhaps the article lead photo should be changed to reflect the tweeted photo before anyone calls shenanigans.

He just needed a release.

Thank you...even just looking at the purple of her dress, it seems less intense (less color?) than the 2nd photo.

Is it my imagination, or does the lead picture look even more pale than the tweeted pic?

You clearly never grew up playing She-Ra meets Cheetara...

Shouldn’t Rey’s box read something like “Jedi in Training” not just “Jedi Training”?

So...this incident puts everyone on notice that there is a 30 second buffer?

Ah, I see what you are saying. I consider myself lucky to have grown up witnessing the spectrum of racism, so that I’m aware it exits. I’ve dealt with people of color who automatically assumed I was someone in opposition to them because I am white, and have had to work toward bridging that gap. I’ve also had to throw

I always thought “cracker” was a dig at how pale and lacking in flavor/culture/etc. white people are, like a saltine cracker. It took me decades to realize it was in reference to whips.

I’m unclear on how your point applies to me. For instance, I grew up on the border of Paterson NJ, which has the 2nd highest density of any U.S. city, 34% white and 32% black...and prior to where I live now, I worked in a city that was 47% black and 25% white (with 39% foreign born). I’ve moved around a bit. So again,

I believe where I live, based on the last census report, is 43% Hispanic, 12% Black, but lists as 65% white...which I think has to do with households identifying as more than one race, or how the Hispanic population is counted.