
He didn’t immediately shoot the black guy?

Once again, the Clash were wrong. 

Now playing

Have to create a Communist Daughter some how

Remember when people were shitting all over Pete Davidson for making fun of this dude on SNL? The hand-wringing was gross at best. 

Remember that when the Bills legitimized this a-hole with an NFL job is 1 career accomplishment was going 25-25 at Syracuse. There’s no reason for him to still be in this league.

These guys fight with the skill and grace of three sleepy manatee trying to fuck a beach ball.

Every fucking day. Fucking weird hobby.

Who knew that making shitty pillows would be profitable enough to keep an entire network afloat. 

Apples to Oranges?


Not just that - blue lives mattering is codified in law. If someone shoots their neighbor, they’re going to jail. If that neighbor is a cop, their sentence is automatically higher. If a cop is killed, the entire force expends all of its resources to find who did it. Everybody knows blue lives matter, anyone who needs

Remember, kids: it’s only political if you disagree with it.

They don’t even try to cover up their filthy lies and shameless hypocrisy. I really want to see the republican party destroyed in my lifetime and its leaders imprisoned for all of their crimes. Some of which are, I am sure, described in Ivanka’s emails.

As Pete Davidson said of his home borough: “Hurricane Sandy should have finished the job.”

“You have to get more into my body.

Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.