But wouldn’t the manifest need to say “Haney M” to actually be showing his name?
Fully agree about the parry. It’s really not too difficult to use, so when I see folks complaining about it, I assume they messed up a couple of times and gave up on it.
Regarding the honeycomb tower, I used the spreadshot to get right in her face like a shotgun for the first phases after the cop, then the 3rd super…
I used the Claw grip technique for the Tony Hawk series, since the most-used buttons were Ollie (X) and Grind (Δ), often needing to be pressed within split-seconds of each other.
Swing and a miss. It’s from the Spider-Man 3 movie game.
Is there an English translation to the Epona song? And if so, does it match up with the lyrics I made up?
“Come to me, my brown horse/
You are my brown horse/
You are my horse that’s brown/
Come here, you big brown horse.”
Sorry Nathan, that embarrassing clip is actually from the Spider-Man *3* movie tie-in game.
SOURCE: I worked on it.
*canon. One ‘n’ in the middle and one on the end.
Jason, are you a one-finger on the triggers player? Because it seems like the tweaks you suggested aren’t an issue if you use your index and middle fingers for R1 & R2 respectively.
“Frank’s Brother” is not dead last, and in fact is above the 50th percentile. This list is wack AF. “AssKickers United” shouldn’t be anywhere near the top ten. Patrick Redford is broken.
Is this the 100% science-based dragon MMO I’ve heard so much about?
Forgive my lack of Poké-knowledge, but what is the 4th set in the picture of the Starters? The Voltron-dog? I recognize Litten, Rowlet, and Poplio, but I have no idea who that last one is.
Yes, it seems!
Asylum had the secret Warden’s office, which managed to stay hidden just by not appearing like a weakened wall in Detective vision.
“...but I dont think its the best of the best this year”
Way to skate right past a simple “whoops, my bad. Maybe I shouldn’t fly off the handle” response and double-down on... well, whatever it is you’re doing.
Pretty sure he’s talking about the peasants of Velen and Novigrad, not the humans playing The Witcher.