I once requested a screenshot from a customer to help troubleshoot an issue. As best I can tell, they pasted the screenshots into a Word document, printed it out, scanned the print out, and emailed me the resulting PDF. That’s about the level Whitlock appears to be working at here.
This absolutely needed to be a video, and could not have been presented as text I could read in 1/3 of the time.
I live in San Diego, and wish I lived in this dope’s district so I could have the pleasure of voting against him.
Joe Torre is wrong. Watching infielders pitch is awesome.
This episode was fine, but as I was watching it I kept thinking about how GRRM would use these characters and resolve some of these plot points. And I found that I was far more interested in whatever GRRM has planned - I hope it is different and at least somewhat less predictable than this. I almost felt like the…
The first Garbage album is one of my favorite albums of all time, and Version 2.0 is an undisputed masterpiece as well. Maybe I need to give this one a few more listens. I found it somewhat unmemorable and distant on the first go around.
Did Sweetwater ever hit outside of Seattle in the 1990s?
I will always think of Bob Nelson as Uncle Fran, from Almost Live.
The first Gremlins movie frightened the hell out me when I was in third grade and terrorized my imagination for years afterward. It wasn't until I saw the more broadly comic Gremlins 2 that I was able to get over it a bit.
I have tried to give Patti Smith a fair listening on many occasions. I recognize her artistry, but for whatever reason, I have never been able to get over whatever it is that I find slightly off-putting about her songs.
All they needed to do was install a mesh screen over the port opening!
Additionally, he lost the 1993 season after tearing his hamstring running from 1st to 2nd base in the second-to-last spring training game. It was an exhibition game played in Vancouver, B.C., and the infield dirt around the bases was too sandy.
I'm guessing this guy rubbed someone higher up the food chain the wrong way for a long time, and they took advantage of this to get rid of him.
Obviously Peyton's look was inspired by Garth Brooks as Chris Gaines.
Divish is terrific, as is Larry Stone, who is not a beat reporter but covers baseball for the Seattle Times. Drayer's pretty good, and even Johns is tolerable. Baker's a decent writer but a terrible analyst and a shit stirrer. Even when he's right, he's intolerably smug.
Is Don Banks going to provide all the worthwhile content?