
It may or may not be foreign-backed. Knowing that the developers are from Belarus and that the game is set in the 80s, they may have used the birth of militant 3rd-wave feminism in England in the 70s and 80s as the inspiration for the feminist event in the game.

Now playing

I’m not comparing, I’m saying that they are. Domestic terrorists, to be precise.

No. Although, for the sake of clarity, I’m mostly referring to 3rd-wave feminists.

Outside of certain countries like the US, Canada, and some parts of Europe, feminism as a movement hasn’t really achieved the same cult status yet. Feminist cells in other nations will usually receive a lot of political and financial backing from those aforementioned countries.

You sir just wrote a better article on the game as far as I’m concerned. Nice work, and good job seeing through the clearly biased bullshit.

Oh definitely the management section of the game is terrible in nearly every way, you need far more detail of the employee before you hire them and even after you have hired them. Considering the game asks you to make choices based on people’s ethnicity you have to guess if someone is Asian for example to not piss the

Considering that the game is set in a time period around the late late 60's early 70's the feminist protests and fire the black police would fit into the scenario, this isn’t a game that is made in 2016 about police in 2016 rather a game made in 2016 about police from another era.