Natty Brosky

One minor quibble, I imagine Tomsula pronounces the word “warsh.” As in “Jim don’t warsh down there.”

Bob Nutting could give me a million bucks and I’d still never forgive him for cutting payroll the year after winning 98 games.

That gif is great. Pirates-era Barry Bonds would’ve slapped that kid with his glove and challenged him to a home run contest. Especially if he was a teammates’ son.

This felt more like a garbage 2k trade where you keep adding more and more players until the team accepts.

President Ball, Israeli PM Stoudemire reach historic accord on Palestine issue

Fuck yes. I’m a Pirates fan, which is made even more miserable by our extremely cheap ownership.

It would appear that quite a few people have completely misinterpreted what you’re getting at here. I enjoyed it and am decidedly with LeBron on this. You can offer comfort and support, but you can never truly know what it is like to be another person and be inside their head. Or if anyone else is truly conscious for

Native #1: The first three names we gotta remember are Joe Smith, George Johnson, and Thomas Williams for Plymouth. They have a lot of ... um, apparently...

The plural of Utah Jazz is Utah Jazzhands.

Here are a few words that rhyme with Kyle: bile, vile, butt-dial, smile, senile, juvenile, pedophile...

Roger Goodell: [murders Jerry Jones]

The Chargers would kill for attendance like that!

I give it an Eh.