
John Kasich might be a fan of Linkin Park, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

Looks like this kid is ready to turn a page and turn a negative into a positive. How difficult it must be to be a talent kid with your whole life ahead of you only to find out that you have to be in the St. Louis Cardinals’ organization.

Dammit, I was going to post that. Love the vitriolic reaction to your comment from (I'm assuming) horrified Americans, none of whom (again, I'm assuming) have ever dealt with Roma in their lives. The cheering? Yeah, that's shitty. The Roma? Sorry to say it, but they're 1000 times worse.

Not in response though; that is what they do. You’ve been to Spain, right? Gypsies have never cared about how they get money - just as long as they get it. I seriously doubt they were humiliated by those Dutch jerks.

Do they call them Francis fans?

What do you expect? These dudes don’t even show enough respect to pay the entire dinner check on a first date.

A niggling peeve of mine is people who use nationality to describe ‘race’. Can we do away with that already?! (race ie, least I get buried under the moral outrage)

People who can’t differentiate between race, ethnicity and nationality annoy me to no end. Also, they are typically the ones most vocal with inane theories on race, ethnicity and nationality.

YES, EXACTLY. Latino is an ethnicity. As a race, we can be anything.

It would probably surprise a lot of people that Latinos come in every shade. The stereotype is that we all look “Mexican”, which is discriminated heavily against, which is even more maddening because the look they’re discriminating against isNative American.

“You said you consider yourself a black woman, like why not just be Dominican?”

There’s a reason why, on demographic surveys, are you Latino/a is a different question than the one that asks what your race is.

But Nancy did a LOT of good things. There were so many positive things she could’ve said about her, without ever bringing up AIDs. That is what makes this so strange of a mistake.

That picture of Barry Bonds and Ichiro in Marlins uniforms is so, so, so bizarre. Shades of Greg Maddux, San Diego Padre or Jim Thome, Baltimore Oriole.

Can you never just accept mild criticism and move on? You certainly aren’t looking great in this exchange (and every other similar exchange; they happen fairly frequently). Rather, you end up seeming childish and petty and deliberately antagonistic.

A thing to consider Kara; I’m not a frequent or regular commenter on here but I do READ the comments (I just don’t tend to have time at work to comment on things). Having never read one of your articles before I was initially like, “jeez this is a hilarious review and smart writing” but also thought the high chair

“Somewhat oddly, our hostess asks if we’ll be needing a highchair which, yeah, I’m literally holding a toddler and that’s generally what they sit in ”
Wow, fuck you. Why am I even reading this?

Readers who don’t comment don’t have any criticisms of the site, obviously.

lol ok.

“Somewhat oddly, our hostess asks if we’ll be needing a highchair which, yeah, I’m literally holding a toddler and that’s generally what they sit in”