I see that now. I would agree, it should be there at the beginning. It's counter-intuitive for some, and only shows up after a counter-intuitive edit effort.
I see that now. I would agree, it should be there at the beginning. It's counter-intuitive for some, and only shows up after a counter-intuitive edit effort.
Now I see it - thank you
Anyone know a way to do the Shift+Enter on the iPad using Safari? I use the Friendly app, but I have a friend who uses Safari so she can see all the posts Friendly omits.
It's weird, I've never seen that "shift+enter" note, before or after this article. I saw it in the screen capture and went back to check, thinking they'd finally annotated it. I had to rely on someone to tell me (don't know where they heard it from). I kept trying CTRL-Enter for some reason - didn't try Shift...
I saw that in the screen-capture, but I've never seen it on my FB for some reason... :/
You're welcome! :)
@MrCheatachu: I kept waiting for the exact same thing
I wish I could remember the mall's name. It was right next to the hotel I was staying at for a meeting.
Some good news, to help balance that terrible feeling this video brings on:
I saw one in Seattle, Washington, in a mall kiosk. They were offering free "stress measurements" and "secrets to de-stress." I saw L. Ron's book on the display and knew what it was.
I...look at them alphabetically?
@njefferson: This is what I consider the original. Not sure where the inventor of these got the idea.
I hope they're not paying more than $1 a pair! This is where I've seen them before:
"Emma Stone" and the word "Nude" in the title of the visual style should bring a lot of people some confusing Google results. ;)
@njefferson: well, that was supposed to be an arrow with they hyphen-greater-than-sign combo. Guess it was reduced to a hyphen.
"soo" - "soon"
I always end up right-clicking on one tab and selecting "close other tabs" or "close tabs to the right." This is good in the way it only closes one domain.
Very well played
Is there any possibility this would decrease drug dependency, since the CRF is linked to increased drug use? I'm bald and a recovering alcolohic. My dad was bald and a drug user/alcoholic. I know I'm genetically predisposed to be an alcoholic (wish I'd thought more about that before) but maybe this fixes that and…
That looks like Ninja Stars of Catan...and I love it.