njdevil spinky spank

I'd worry that this might impact bat populations but since so many bats are headed for extinction pretty soon anyway I guess we need as many effective mosquito killers as soon as possible.

@Moonshadow Kati: It was harder to find an appropriate Joseph Decreux picture than I thought, this was the best I found.

Edit: This comment exploded into a thousand pieces of glittering magic.

He can't wear them like Kim Jong can.

3rd times the charm.


@bobioization: Please tell us how you managed to comment from the far side of the galaxy, because everyone on earth loves Nutella.

@nolabar10der: I spend most of my time hanging out at Giz (where this was crossposted) and barring 1 or 2 editors there, the response to a question like fwjs28's would be ignored by the editor. At best, it would get a lovely big "f*** you, if you don't like it then leave" type response.

@sweetelectro: A screenshot of some of the higher powers at Gawker referring to us as "peasants" was leaked when the site was hacked, so I think it's safe to assume that as an organization, yes, giz would and does sell their reader base short.

@Whitson Gordon: I'd just like to say Whitson, I always enjoy your posts and the way in which you interact with commenters is simply awesome. Keep up the good work.

@nosnibort: Make it yourself. It really isn't that difficult.

Umpteenth sponsored post of the day aside, this doesn't seem like all that great of an idea to me, the other keys would be at odd angles.

@sweetelectro: No, I'm saying Giz is in cahoots with anyone who pays them.

I guess advertisements have replaced actual reviews completely. It happened so gradually I didn't even notice.

Nice try, balloon.