Jesus Chrysanthemum.
Jesus Chrysanthemum.
It's ok I guess, but this will forever be the Gizmodo theme song to me.
It combines my 2 favourite things- Lego, and copyright infringement!
Hint- that square of text on this Gizmodo page is actually illegible, even if you zoom in. You need to click on the link for the proper text.
Is the vuvuzela ringtone standard?
He's just getting into the mindset of the Road Runner, you know, by running down roads.
@lost_n_arizona: Is it common for them to commute via rail?
@Satki: I don't always live in a slot, but when I do, I live in 4 of them.
Too complicated for me. I'll stick with ol' rusty here.
Office Space was about artists then.
I'm useless, but not for long:
I see your sausage videos and raise you one automatic chicken plucker.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It should be on PSN?
@minjChE: You could always get a PS3.
@rhetoricfromwithin: I read that as somewhere between $6 and $20,000,000 dollars...
@Pty000: They get so excited they jump 20 feet in the air and scatter themselves over a large area.
Sadly the PS3 version doesn't look nearly as cool. I dig the wiimote though.
Nothing's worse than waking up with a hangover, seeing 50 notifications on facebook and thinking "Oh shit what did I do..."
@JakeMG: Blah Blah Taxi: Today's episode of Sesame street is brought to you by the letter D...