I still haven't upgraded to 10. The whole concept just reminds me of Dunder Mifflin Infinity.
I still haven't upgraded to 10. The whole concept just reminds me of Dunder Mifflin Infinity.
Nice Try, Mr Bill.
@Darksider1972: Just like any country does with a valuable resource.
Shiraz..Pinot Noir.... I think I'll have the Mad Dog 20/20, served in a plastic cup. Seems to be quite popular with these Facebook people.
@Purdueable: I spent my entire education writing things on calculators and never knew about that one. Awesome.
@ChipSuey: Cool, it never actually occured to me they might have a book. Thanks!
If anyone knows a "how to cook everything" style website, that would be great. I don't really need an app for this stuff when I'm sure there are free sites out there.
@Papsky: I had entirely forgotten those existed... Excuse me I'm off to eBay...
My chances of getting an iPad just doubled. Not playing .avi was a big deal for me.
@Wafflemao: Me too. You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.
@nootron: Mom?
God of War?
Internet Exploder you say.... Go on.
"Hey Bob, Could you hand be the tool bag?"
Giant foam fingers? Further proof that Nokia is wayyyy behind on the times. Should have handed out Nokia branded Vuvuzelas.
I want one just because it looks like a turret from Portal.