
With the amount of cocaine in the Gotham writing room, this may actually happen. And you know what. I don’t hate it.

Yes, this. And then they blame us lefties when their strategy doesn’t work.

I am not going to lie if there was a chance I could get a picture of a Pikachu chilling next to Rhianna you can be damn sure I would take that chance and catch the fuck out of that Pikachu while I was at it

Yay, Katie Cassidy! She was the best thing about Arrow last year.

Okay, the betting pool is now open...

Whatever the Dems have planned, I’m sure it doesn’t involve getting handsy with Ivanka Trump.

The Gray Ghost... So he can inspire young Bruce

I think I’m too old for that, man — running around in cars, and ladies and martinis. Who wants that? Sounds terrible.

Max Landis told audiences at the Dirk Gently Comic-Con panel that he is writing a movie based on the amorous cartoon skunk.

“You can be aggressively romantic without being a creep”

I just found out from my french bf that pepe is Italian in france

That’s a shit argument to make. I like Looney Tunes. I know Trump is a dick. The entertainment one consumes is not capable of great influence without other factors.

A children’s film featuring the skunk equivalent of Lothario simply seems in ludicrously poor taste.

Has no one even noticed she doesn't have the Russian accent? That always bugged me.

Every movie needs the psychologist from Psycho to walk on screen periodically and spell everything out for people.

Chris Hemsworth is thisclose to actually launching a career as a comedic actor. Seriously. He can’t open a non-Thor action movie on his own and the dramas failed. Basically he’s the new Dwayne Johnson. A tall, good-looking muscle bound man who shines more when he jokes and smiles than when he grunts and punches.