
These are pretty much the same conclusions I and a friend came to after watching SS this weekend:

Nick Cage would have been the perfect choice. Leto was trying so hard to achieve a level of craziness that Cage would make look effortless.

Subjective opining on Olivier’s talents (I think he was great in The Entertainer and Marathon Man) isn’t really germane. His point is valid. Method is far from the only way to interpret a character. And Ayer’s “method” seems more akin to Colonel Kurtz’s than Lee Strasberg’s.


David Ayer’s antics remind me of what Laurence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman after observing Hoffman’s “method” acting technique of not sleeping and making a mess of himself to get into character while shooting Marathon Man: “Dear boy, it’s called acting.”

I’m actually ok with this. Both Swift and the photographers are trying to make money off of her image, there’s no news value, and she could get just as much publicity from posting a phone video. I think its silly if Swift is doing this because she feels her privacy is being invaded. But if she feels revenue is being

I don’t think he is a bigot, but an insecure egotist who found confidence in a macho persona that wears tribalism and crank beliefs like a badge of honor. While his personal ethos seem magnanimous, he hasn’t had a challenged thought in over 20 years.

Well, Captain Boomerang is an outlaw.

My Captain Boomerang despises Men at Work and loves Midnight Oil.

You’re right. Damn Right.

Let’s not denigrate B movies, good ones should be just as entertaining as A movies, the rewards are just more visceral. Deadpool, Talledegha Nights, Spy, Total Recall, Friday and The Raid are just a few examples are completely satisfying B movie experiences.

Sorry I can only give you one star. +100. And that screen name! Bravo.

I briefly considered Michael Caine for the role — Daniel Craig is better (though it occurs to me Russell Crowe would be another good choice.) I paused because I couldn’t decide whether or not I...

Cyril, an eager young Fish Butler: Dan Radcliffe

Hey, I’m not saying I’m against fish butlers (or butlers in general — Remains of the Day, that is my shit). All I’m saying is I’ve never seen a fish butler deliver a $100 million domestic b.o.

Look, I’m not going men can’t swim and be entertaining — I’m not a sexist — but gender swapping this classic role makes no sense and is more evidence of our overly PC culture, where everybody has to be given an opportunity or we are all bigots. If these roles were supposed to be played by men these creatures would be

They are not using cameras? Otherwise, this is exactly how I would expect a remake to be made.

I suspect Peter Thiel may be involved. I heard he likes to drink the blood of young mutants.

This is a great idea. Marvel Studios has been really stingy with Golden Age characters (especially on Agent Carter) and Jim Hammond is one of the most important. I always hoped to see Namor vs. The Original Human Torch in a Marvel movie, but that seems like a small almost nonexistent possibility. This idea would be