
Fun fact: his super-twerk creates enough energy to power a medium size city.

I like Dominic Cooper as an actor, generally speaking, but I still have trouble buying him as Jesse Custer, which makes it difficult to fully embrace the show. Custer is for me an amalgam of rock iconJim Morrison (hence the look in the comics) cowboy characters portrayed by Jimmy Stewart, Steve Mcqueen or Paul Newman

I’m a fan of the show, but Ezra Miller is a stronger, more charismatic actor and if the movie around him is as good as his performance in the Justice League clip, he’ll do just fine. Frankly, I’ll be much more disappointed if Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl is recast for the big screen, because she is a terrific actor,

He killed at least three people, 2 by grenade, one by igniting the flamethrower he was carrying. Plus the car(s) he destroyed were full of people. Of course, as Arnold said in True Lies, “They were all bad”.

Thanks for giving me my new pimp name

The sheep suggested this idea, didn’t they?

I think the real problem is that the DNC’s reaction to a surprisingly enthusiastic potential voting constituency is to disregard and try to crush it by whatever means necessary. This is the same DNC that has been steadily losing seats for the last decade, but they view these progressive voters with a clear antipathy.

OK, that made laugh, but I’m still rooting for Larson to succeed.

Larson is an excellent actor and I’ve no doubt she can nail Danver’s toughness, cockiness and the soft heart under that. If Marvel can make Scarlett Johanson believable as a superhero, they can do the same for Larson, and Danver’s powers aren’t really physique driven anyway.

Unfortunate timing and babies. But while Marvel is running out of choice roles for Blunt ( Medusa, recast Jane Foster/Thor, Spider-woman, She-Hulk and recast Susan Storm is the extent of my list), DC still has a roster of female characters to fill: Black Canary, Hawkwoman, recast Catwoman, Barbara Gordon, Cheetah,Star

That is a completely unexpected but pleasant surprise. Ego is second only to MODOK on my list of bizarre Marvel characters I wanted to see in the cinematic universe, although I imagined him with the voice of Bryan Cranston or Peter Dinklage.

It would be weird if they didn’t use Serkis in some fashion, but Killmonger is a much better arch enemy than Klaw (or Man-Ape), the only one to truly get under T’Challa’s skin, because he is “better” — smarter, stronger, more charismatic — and has a legitimate claim to the throne. BP has a very lackluster rogues

I’ve got to admit I’m not hating this. Affleck and Gadot seem really comfortable as Bruce and Diana already. Ezra Miller’s Flash seems more Peter Parker than Barry Allen but at heart both characters are heroic, socially awkward nerds so the interpretation doesn’t seem off base. Miller conveyed the Allen’s sharp,

Somebody at DC should have explained to them that if this isn’t exactly fridging, its definitely on the spectrum.

Wow. I actually shed a tear. For once, a hyperbolic headline is completely accurate. This trailer is already one of the best evocations of Wonder Woman I’ve ever seen. If the movie is half as good I’d still be quite pleased.

Zachary Quinto is a gay actor playing a traditionally straight character, which groundbreaking in its own right. But any of the crew could be gay or bi, although if think too hard about it I wonder if such terms would have any relevance in the 25th century. And we know that Kirk is DTF with anyone at anytime.

Actually, that sounds a lot like the Old Testament.

Isn’t that the same photo Jack Nicholsen was trapped in at the end of The Shining?

I don’t know if we need a Han Solo, but Ehrenreich is a terrific actor, as he ably demonstrated in Hail, Caesar!. If the movie is any good, he’ll only make it better.

The song combines so much ignorance and racism at once, its almost an achievement.