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This seems like the perfect excuse to reference Quint’s monologue in Jaws about the sinking of the Indianapolis. The lesson: don’t fuck with the sea.

Wu is a martial artist. He had a background in wushu before he became an actor, and like Chinese heartthrob Nicholas Tse he trains regularly with Hong Kong stunt teams as prep for roles. He is not as gifted as a Donnie Yen, Jet Li or stunt performers but he is athletic and highly competent. A lot of his action in the

My rule of thumb is to let the jeans I just wore sit a day, until they forget what they use to smell like. Luckily jeans don’t have long term memory.

The answer to this question is Rocky, III & IV. Based on reviews, it seems like Creed should be next, followed by Rocky Balboa. II isn’t bad, it’s just that nobody cares, and Rocky V was awful.

Porn, internet and cheeseburgers... who says God doesn’t love America?

I don’t think there is any coordinated attack that can defeat the German National team.

I don’t think that firing seems like the best way of resolving this issue, but I think her (unrequested) letter to the student body showed a lack of sensitivity. She is not a random professor, she has an student oversight role and part of responsibility is disciplining students who might, for example, wear a costume

If only they could send him to a women’s prison.

Calm black men are Trump’s bete noire.

Wow. That’s at least a thirty pound carp. Must be the bait.

The cropping makes it difficult to recognize that this is a human’s back. I seriously couldn’t tell what I was looking at except flesh.

If Earth One Wells is dead and Reverese Flash never existed, who built Star Labs and who killed Barry’s mom? Knowing the answers for those questions would be a start in the right direction.

I love you, man.

Has there been a satisfactory explanation of why there is no Earth 1 Harrison Wells? Why is he dead when the Reverse Flash never existed to kill him?

What’s the deal with every poster featuring subjects with their right eyes obscured. Style trope or is there more significant meaning?

Most women I have dated have been objectively smarter than me. Thank the Spaghetti Monster for lowered standards.

“I can’t play—I’m wearing Jimmy Choos,” I said.

They asked if she had any black blood and she said she didn’t know.

Their facial shape and skin tones are different. The shape of their lips and nose, dark penetrating eyes and angle of eyebrows are similar. That and the grandiose, pompous egotism of the Hewitt character just made me want him to burst out in operatic song.

I think McConaughey would make a good Warlock/Magus, but there has been no suggestion either character will show up in the sequel.