
The Jason Rusch of the comics was a cool character because he was both an appealing geek and angry enough to potentially tilt to villainy. Drameh was good but I like my Firestorm conflicted.

I kept wanting Henry Hewitt to sing a few bars of “Chocolate Rain”.

I dispute your assessment of Fright Night. First of all, there are far more rock star magicians than horror hosts in popular culture now. Ever hear of the show Mind Freak, or David Blaine? Colin Farrell and David Tennant both do really good work in the remake, and let’s be honest, the original was fun but not a major

Good call on Titus, very stereotypical. I’m glad we were spared the cliche of having him team up with Star Lord to beat a mutual foe.

Ironically, now that I’ve suggested it, I will be bitterly disappointed if BB/BG aren’t played by Key and Peele.

I still like the rumored idea that Leto’s Joker is actually former Robin Jason Todd. Leto’s interpretation seems perfect for that.

As great actors as Fillion and Tudyk are, their age and lack of box-office drawing power suggests that this cinematic casting is not in the cards. Don’t hate me, but its more likely the studio would go after comedy stalwarts like Ben Stiller and Jim Carrey or rising stars like Key and Peele.

I think at the core RHS celebrates fluid sexual identity and having Dr F played by a transgender actor seems like an updating that is still true to that central theme. I think what is more controversial about Laverne Cox in the role is the fact that the transgender community has a major issue with being confused with

If you have to remake the Rocky Horror Show (and you don’t), Laverne Cox is actually an excellent choice for Dr. Frankenfurter. But can she sing?

Liberal-ish. Superheroes and masked avengers who believe they can do a better job of protecting humanity than groups endorsed by society like the police or the military is an inherently anti-government, anti-democratic concept if you look at it too closely.

But are they actual emo-20 somethings, or a remarkably accurate simulation of actual emo-20 somethings?

I would add Valiant’s “Quantum and Woody” and “Archer and Armstrong” to the list. Buddy comedies are a natural tv genre.

That’s nothing. When I’m tossed, I can order an Uber and wander around until I find a bar that will serve me. I’d like to see a robot do that.

I guess it makes sense the live action Korra wannabe would white. Why mess with a good formula?

Harris was the only character I found enjoyable in the first two episodes. Haven’t watched since. Is he still around or did they kill him?

That is a good idea. Frankly, given that Jamie Alexander has been a fan favorite despite being underserved by both Thor movies, it would be a gut punch to see her shunted aside for an warrior woman.

thank you.

I thought the evolutionary reasons were definition and vascularity.

They made a movie based on Grey Gardens in 2009. It starred Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore.

A Scanner Darkly is the most narratively accurate Philip K. Dick adaptation as well as vividly capturing his theme of identity and paranoid mind state.