
The movie pulled much more reference from the Superman of the ‘40s and ‘50s than the Silver Age. The comically pompous Lex was very much an artifact of those periods, as was the reporter’s fedora. Most likely those eras were where Mario Puzo and Richard Donner, writer and director, first encountered the character.

There was a lot I enjoyed about Tron Legacy, but the emphasis on a cgi Jeff Bridges as the villain is what undermined it for me. Any movie that has James Frain, Michael Sheen, Cillian Murphy and a real, live Jeff Bridges should not focus on a special effect as the bad guy.

I think I “blame” Alan Moore and Frank Miller for grim/dark more than GRRM. I don’t think you get to Nolan’s Batman (or even Norrington’s Blade) without their seminal work.

These are guest appearances that would matter..

Don’t hate the Playa’, hate the rich douche bag who thinks he’s one.

Instead of a hated character, how about a whole team? I initially thought that Wolverine and X Men was going to be a awful comic with some of the lamest mutant characters ever, but it ended up being one of my favorite books.

Interesting, I would have said Odo was the annoying character who became a favorite in that group.

The Inhumans were interesting as royal family and hidden civilization. Now, they are pretty much mutants by another name.

Or the victim of exposure to cosmic rays, gamma radiation or radioactive spider bite discovering their newfound powers.

“Dear Mr. President. I have seen Aladdin. Jafar was very sneaky. Are you sure we can trust Iran?”

Now playing

In tribute to our dear departed Roddy Piper, I submit Hell Comes to Frogtown for your consideration.

First, let’s establish that Matt Damon is wrong, diversity both in front of and behind the camera is important.

She was noticeable as a crack addict in her first role in Jungle Fever, sympathetic as the love interest in Boomerang, surprisingly effective in the awful Swordfish, great in Introducing Dorothy Dandridge and Monster’s Ball. That is the most generous scorecard I can give her. I think terrible is too harsh (have you

She gets work because she is really beautiful. Seriously, I can’t stand her as Storm, don’t like most of her films and believe she isn’t a very nice person. I still find her ridiculously attractive.

I totally agree on all points. Ronan was more intimidating in GOTG.

Silly and cartoonish if you prefer. Thanos shouldn’t grin at the fourth wall like Bugs Bunny.

I don’t think Brolin is the problem, he has the versatility and menace to portray Thanos. The MCU’s approach to the character is too lightweight and jokey. Ronan was more like canonical Thanos than Thanos in GOTG. Thanos can be as implacable or foreboding as Darkseid and as wily as Satan, but his doomed, obsessive

Kye Fortune? Shouldn’t your suspicions be slightly raised when your internet paramour has a name that sounds like a character on General Hospital?

Sounds like a regular bridge club night to me.