
The thread was about Red Wolf being Marvel’s first Native American Hero. Wingfoot precedes him and is a hero. Enjoyed your post.

I agree that Wingfoot is not a superhero, but that Lee and Kirby meant him to be an action hero, which is one of the reasons they modeled him on Native American Olympic hero Jim Thorpe. From the start, they threw him into adventures battling villains and saving the world with the FF. Eventually, he even became a

But he is a NATIVE AMERICAN HERO who has had lots of adventures in the Marvel Universe. He was practically the fifth member of the FF for awhile. There’s no doubt that Lee/Kirby intended for him to be considered a hero. Not all the great Marvel heroes and characters have superpowers or masks.

“Native American Hero” was the phrasing I was responding to. Wingfoot is not super powered, but definitely heroic.

Fantastic Four from the Lee/Kirby era. Story arc features the Prester John. Sorry, didn’t check for the issue number when I grabbed the image but its from the same period as the Galactus trilogy.

Is that Skrull blood?

I hope they bring back Jason Strongbow, American Eagle, too. Still Marvel’s coolest Native American hero, imo.

Doesn’t Wyatt Wingfoot predate them both?

Nope, but its not really his fault. Both Cavill and Brandon Routh were fine, just poorly served by indulgent directors and flawed scripts (I prefer Routh’s quietly noble version). That said, I think both films would have been better with Hugh Jackman as the lead, and I doubt he would have trouble going toe to toe with

Both the Romans and the Chinese had martial arts systems at that time, though battlefield tactics would differ somewhat from self-defense or sport. Forms of grappling, pugilism and weapon based arts all existed for both cultures. I am not sure what you mean by “as we conceive them” but I am sure there are substantial

I am more disturbed that there are no people of color in the Hollywood premiere scene at the end of the video. Where’s the hot black producer?

You nailed my problems with Civil War and Superhuman Registration Act. Cap and Iron Man’s positions wouldn’t make sense in real life and go against their characters. It was a lame attempt to graft actual issues like security and surveillance on to a ludicrous metaphor. What’s most annoying is that we all know that the

They were not harassing her and they don’t work with her. Sexual harassment against women is real, pervasive and should not be diminished. But we all objectify. I’m in an office and observe women objectifying men all the time. This site has a regular column devoted to men’s thighs.

I saw no assumptions about her intelligence or willingness to engage in sexual activity. The officer’s reference to her character (bitch) was directly based on his wife’s assessment. And women at work have these conversations too.


I’ll admit it: this woman is talented, brilliant and funny. She’s won me over.

Those are the longest “Team” names ever. But who wouldn’t want to be Team Black Scientist?

This would sad, if true. I thought Convergence sucked, but a lot of the books that have come since then have been really good. I like the new take on Superman and Batman. I don’t expect the characters to stay that way forever, but this will be a fun ride.

Now playing

I hope this means we’ll have an Aunt May parent/teacher scene.

Damn straight.