
In Cavill’s —muted!— defense, he was engaged to Gina Carano. That would indicate no aversion to strong, athletic women who could potentially kick his ass. But obviously there are more kinds of strength than physical, which his quote seemingly ignores.

Monica Rambeau is a great character whatever her nom de plume, I just wish they would pick one and stick to it. Captain Marvel is a great name, Photon was a good one. I don’t like Spectrum by itself (somehow makes me think of speculum) but actually love Dr. Spectrum, more enigmatic and authoritative.

The Jade Javert of Jurisprudence!

Agreed, a lot of her early appearances were egregiously sexist, but She Hulk has evolved into such a cool character that the name has lost the negative associations for me, but they do exist.

Admittedly, sexism played a part in She-Hulks creation, but I think the character has transcended that. I think attaching a “she” to characteristics that are not ordinary for either gender or even humans — Man Beast, She Wolf, etc. — doesn’t always connote sexism.

Emerald Lady Lawyer?

Who’s ripping Wilmore? Everyone who forgot that John Stewart didn’t become John Stewart overnight, all the correspondents took a while to find their footing and rhythm (took forever for Al Madrigal to sound natural) and even the legendary Colbert Report evolved and improved over time.

I enjoyed parts of the movie (mostly Fassbender, Theron and the impressive visual design) and your probably right that Weyland wanted stooges. But even stooges usually have a sense of self preservation.

I know, I should have qualified that statement, but that scene was the cherry on top of a multitude of bad decisions.

This. Don’t run in the exact path that the derelict is falling into, idiot.

The best way, imo, to introduce Dr. Doom is to already have him as a world threatening dictator, who has created a calamity, at the very beginning of the film. Make him a European Quadafi (with the affectation of wearing an ornate mask to hide his disfigurement) who is tapping energy for his country directly from the

It doesn’t equate, it relates. Its a point of reference that Marvel might reasonably consider. Marvel has reference a lot of older movies and genres in their films. That doesn’t imply that they would make broad comedy like Ant-Man (although Christopher Priest’s run on Black Panther — arguably the best — was frequently

Sorry you feel that way, I’m preeeety black, not that that means I can’t be racist. But that was not the intent. Not everybody likes puns. I would say there is a more than 50% chance in the film that a) T’Challa will come to America, in disguise (look up the comics its canon) and b) and have an American love interest

and true.

Because in the comics T’Challa did come to America as a prince in disguise and did woo girlfriends (Nikki Adams and Monica Lynne). Plot elements align, if not the comedic slant. He didn’t, however, work at a fast food restaurant.

The Black Panther’s costume is known for its Afro-Sheen.

Any tips on how to burn a 2008 Volkswagen Golf? My parents are on a fixed income.

SG was in an adult relationship when she was with the Great Lakes Avengers so I don’t find her involvement with Logan scandalous. Squirrels grow up faster than Wolverines anyway.

Even if this version of The Thing is all rock, the most fundamental aspect of Ben Grimm’s character is that he longs to be human again, and does everything he can to evoke that humanity. Ben wears pants not because he needs protection from the elements, but because he retains the physical modesty of the man he was.

Pena is very funny (loved him in Observe and Report) and I’m always glad to see him in a film. But he is a great actor, no less a draw than Corey Stoll and just as talented. As bad as the film industry is with major roles for African Americans and women, it’s even worse for hispanics (in the opinion of this black