
THIS. Michael Pena has been killing it for years and he’s still getting 4th or 5th supporting parts in major films. Now he’ll never get to be a major character in the MCU. I’m convinced he’s perfect for MODOK and Fixer. No disrespect, but his credentials warrant him more than equal billing with T.I.

Why can’t Julian Assange be a self-interested, irresponsible jerk and be accurate about illegal government activities and threats to his freedom? Why can’t he be an amoral ass with women and not be guilty of sex crimes? Why can’t the sex charges be true and also part of a conspiracy to silence Assange? I don’t have to

I honestly think this guy may be a psychopath. The smile that always seems fake and never matches the expression in his eyes. The reckless, combative thrill seeking of provocative behavior, even to the point of making jokes in the wake of mass shootings. Not even his fellow Republican senators can stand him, which

Lidsville. All of Sid and Marty Kroft’s output suggests an altered state of mind, but Lidsville is the most clearly drug induced of their tv series. I’m betting that drug was cocaine, with a touch of mescaline.

Adventure Time, without a doubt. Its astounding that the show’s dark meditations on politics, existence, relationships etc. are considered appropriate children’s fare. The Ice King’s origin story is an epic of loss as devastating as The Last of Us, Finn’s father is a nightmare to any child that longs for parental

Ben decides that his act of benevolence is to bring four children of villains — who have been all exiled to a prison island because I guess Auradon doesn’t abide by the whole “Sins of the father” stuff — to Auradon to go to high school.

Now playing

I’ll miss you Roddy. We’ll always have Frogtown.

Egads, Sir, you speak heresy! Give women pants and they may attempt to read or —heaven forbid — perform stand up comedy.

I never realized until now that 50 First Dates is actually a horror film.

The caricature is not racist at all, Kevin Johnson is scum and the NAACP is sclerotic, dysfunctional organization that is doing a piss poor job of policing its local chapters. That’s how you get the L.A. NAACP giving Donald Sterling two lifetime achievement awards and the Spokane chapter making Rachel Dolezal its

Robocop is a superhero movie and it is one of the best origin stories committed to celluloid. It deserves to be in the top ten of this list.

That is a very dark white man.

Joe Chill is now black? Thanks, Obama!

+1 you just made my day. I want this on a t-shirt.

I would like a penis with its own A.I., hopefully that will improve my decision making. Either that or a bunch of self aware dicks will attempt to destroy humanity.

I don’t need it to be grim and gritty, but I would be excited to see a mature but still playful version of Power Rangers, Battle of the Planets or Voltron. Somehow, Hollywood has missed a genre that is ripe for rebooting.

Charlie, I know you want to see this through to end, but for your own health and safety I’m begging you to Step. Away. From the series. No one will blame you, I swear.

You rule.

Even better. Damn it, I should have used that one.

Marie Curie. Her discoveries about radiation and its medical uses won her the Nobel prize. Known not only for her brilliance, but also her generosity, integrity and disinterest in status. Einstein She suffered through poverty, refugee status, sexism, romantic disappointed and eventually radiation poisoning that led to