
It would be perfect. Michael Douglas and Bradley Cooper are great at playing assholes and have physical similarities. Hank Pym is one of the biggest assholes in the Marvel universe. Who better to play him in two different eras than this combo?

Diesel is rumored to be up for a live action role in The Inhumans. I don’t think that there is a hard and fast rule about voice talent.

You misunderstand. I like Cooper to play a young Pym precisely because the character is annoying, brilliant but flawed, ego driven, petty, insecure and envious: all traits I think Cooper could pull off expertly. The fact Pym is such a mess is what makes him a uniquely Marvel hero.

The entire Secret Wars event is actually a daydream Bobby Ewing had in the shower.

Rick Jones is the character that could really tie the MCU together.

I was really hoping that they would get Bradley Cooper to play the young Hank Pym, just as they are creating on camera roles for prominent voice actors like Paul Bettany and Vin Diesel. Oh, why can’t the MCU be based on my private fantasies?

Ok, I think a Supreme Court Justice just won ... my heart. That’s a great Spidey reference, comic book geek Obama can take a seat.

That suave, confident expression goes perfectly with the inability to understand common words.

I knew this show was good, and have watched it intermittently, but I can’t a remember an episode of any series that was as exquisitely beautiful, well crafted and disturbing as this one. I’m in.

Yeah, I bet a chart representing sexism misogyny would be far more evenly distributed.

This. And Jennifer Connelly > Liv Tyler.

Amazing. Except for the awkward stance and expression, he looks incredibly real.

Admittedly, they did look good together, but their relationship always seemed forced, like “they are both black, majestic and into the African thing — why not put them together?” Similar thinking brought about the boring union of Superman and Wonder Woman: not recognizing its the differences that make a couple

Totally agree, Felicity and Ray Palmer were a much better couple. What is with women and bad boys?

There was a perfectly good Olivia Munn available for the role, and although it is certainly true not all Asian groups look alike, she’s a lot closer to native Hawaiian than Emma Stone.

I like everything about this. Just as with Magneto and non-mutants, Artemis’s reasonable antipathy to men and protectiveness of women takes her to a violent, extremist position. And she doesn’t need to be raped to come to this conclusion: there is plenty of evidence of the immorality of male hegemony. The strongest

Yes, because DC hijacked his persona and look from Marvel ( at least that is the impression from photos). Good move on DC’s part, but I’ve always liked Namor more.


Jason Momoa as Namor, for obvious reasons.

Idris Elba as ...