
Well said. Netflix Ben Urich was a waste of a fine comic book character and a great actor in Vondie Curtis-Hall.

I can’t wait for the eventual scandal that will bring this slimeball down. My guess is that it will involve inappropriate relations with a teen girl.

And some get married to cover the fact that they like to spend quality time alone with teenage girls.

“Sleazebag” and yes you are absolutely right that Johnson is one. Sorry, couldn’t resist correcting a teacher;-)

I have a slightly different view. An “Antagonist” doesn’t need to be a villain and “rival” is often a synonym for that word. Artemis has also been portrayed differently in the comics and in animated series/films, though the version you cite is the most consistent. My main point is the difference in philosophy is

I think there is also an undertone of sexist tropes to WW’s candidates for arch-villain. Cheetah is a woman out of control, a beast powered by desire, envy and rage. Artemis (who I think is one of her better antagonists) has often been portrayed as an anti-male bigot, who nonetheless acts with the unthinking

I hope Marvel realizes that Wong the humble manservant is an archetype whose day has past. Wong needs a reboot.

I was really hoping for Chow Yun Fat as the Ancient One but this is a truly original exciting casting choice (much more so than Cumberbatch). Still surprised that for all the talk of needing to be popular in the Asian market, Marvel whiffed on an easy opportunity to cast a cool actor of that ethnicity, male or female.

The new manhood is creating an geo-targetted app that will find 5 men in your vicinity that can replace a tire. While they are laboring, you start a Kickstarter to help you develop and scale Tire Buddy (tm). Then you wait for your project to attract a six or seven figure buyout. A real man would be a billionaire by

Young Justice may be a little dark and violent for an eight year old (more appropriate for 10+ imo) but its very good. Korra, the Airbender sequel might be more appropriate.

It’s tempting to say that Amanda Waller looks powerful, but she doesn’t.

I’ve always liked Artemis as rival, antagonist and frenemy to Diana. The clear difference in philosophies makes Artemis one of Wonder Woman’s better foes/anti-heroes.

A ghost that can possess any living being is pretty formidable. Invisible, unkillable, intangible and as powerful as any person he inhabits.

A ghost that can possess any living being is pretty formidable. Invisible, unkillable, intangible and as powerful as any person he inhabits.

How about the fact ESPN hired a commentator with no major sports experience who is primarily known as a conservative political pundit? Curt Schilling, whatever his views, was first and foremost a baseball player. Keith Albertan was a sports reporter well before he became known for his news program. Cain’s hire smells

I love the Mad Max films and Miller, but he had no trouble presenting gross stereotypes of homosexuals as villains in those movies. Glad to see he’s evolved.

I doth pronounce thy new name: ANGRIEST GEEK.

The Kardashians have too many flaws to count, but prejudice truly doesn’t appear to one of them. That and their consistent loyalty to one another are genuinely admirable traits.

Molly is a hell of a drug. Also, I felt like I was watching a live action scene from Adventure Time.

I’m not going to argue that JL:Mortal was going to be a very good or successful film. But just because the MCU strategy has worked doesn’t mean it is the only one that can work. Perhaps Miller would have been foiled by producer over reach, or maybe the director of Road Warrior, Babe and Fury Road could have achieved