Nja Twentyforsev

unless he and the low level techs are robots too and perhaps “subconsciously” want freed. I don’t think this is true, but could explain his actions. Either that or he’s intrigued, a bit frightened but nonetheless enjoying the thrill of playing programmer (seen with his illicit bird modding). All possible IMO.

anywhere, it’s america

The quality of the season was shit compared to season 1 and 2. Since freakshow it's been blah and the creators being told it's so good perpetuates the garbage direction. Sorry that wasn't clear.

it’s comments like this that this show continues to be shit versus a well written, acted and executed season like Asylum. o well

maybe welsh if not fake

Are you mad (reviewer)? This was almost like a good film, likely better than most sci-fi films I’ve seen in a while. The quality was very good too. It had characters that connected, strong highs and lows and a quasi-believable story that should scare the shit out of people. Definitely an A-

I’m sorry but the first 70% was just painful to watch. There has to be a way to convey the sense of human misery without spending 30 minutes on it. Not until the house scenes with the 3 remaining alive characters (aside from Angela out in the woods) did it become truly mysterious, interesting and a times funny making