niyama aeon

Got it!  Thanks-

I know it can be hard to track threads but I didn’t call you a troll or a paid shill. Another account pointed out that Allen has a supposed shill army following these types of stories.

One of my favorite queens and one of my favorite actresses!

I don’t know how to release the GREYS, I didn’t think I could.... plus Madcow wasn’t  grey when I replied to it... sorry!

Yeah, nope. So what are the chances that there is a generational sexual abuse aspect at play here? What are the chances that Mia Farrow was sexually exploited while a teen actress in hollywood? You think maybe a big chance? I do. Do you understand that some victims of sexualized grooming and abuse go on to abuse

So, I’m just going to say that a child who has endured such a breach of trust from a parental figure is going to be confused, stilted in presentation, inconsistent (funny just like adult victims of abuse) in details. But just like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said in her testimony to the house regarding her interaction

What the heck??  Does he see every chair as a horse?  Or is it just an opportunity for a full in the camera’s eye man spread?  It’s not like the uniform gives us a view of his junk....

She should forever and always be referred to as Sarah Suckabee Slanders. So say we all.

There are also provisions that allow for termination of employees who are not “core-religious” or who will not sign a declaration of faith.  Also employees who are co-habitating as opposed to living in the institution of marriage.  So, how are you going to celebrate our slide into Gilead?  I suggest watching the new

I hope they burn this hell scape to the ground. It should be treated like the home of a serial killer, burnt, razed and the earth salted. Though with the climate crisis salting the earth might be a step too far. But a good sized bon fire, that’s fully doable.

Once upon a time, not so long ago.  A woman bought some yarn.  Not just some yarn but 4 thousand yards of yarn.  She than sat down on her couch and for 2 weeks, she knit.  She knit and she knit.  No fancy stitches, just straight garter stitch.  8 hours a day.  Her hands began to sweat.  Her hands began to cramp.  14

I’m sorry, I’m confused by your comment. Do you think that misogyny and white supremacy are not intertwined on a fundamental level? That the two things are not hand and glove? That these two ideologies do not support each other?

I want to read the article, but it’s behind a paywall.  I have sads.

That’s what the GOP wants- it’s like a Russian Nesting doll with Roe vs Wade as the outer doll,. The GOP wants to get to their prime goal which is a repeal of Griswald v. Conneticut 1965 (this case is about the use of birth control for married couples) and Eisenstadt v. Baird 1972 ( this case is about the use of birth

I feel like GIlead is rising and all of us are in a fog, saying “Oh, this is just a bad judge/one off/not happening”  it’s going to hit us like a mack truck that’s been heading in our direction for the past 20 years.   Take away women’s autonomy over their own bodies, not testing rape kits, releasing rapists with

fingers crossed!

Maryland indeed is a racist place.  My sister moved there and after a few years, she had a deep southern accent and in casual conversation asked me if a stenciling decoration was too nword-ish.   I was stunned to hear that word out of a family members mouth.  It was not said in my home, not tolerated by anyone in our

Not one, not TWO, but THREE fucking people thought this was good?????

The don’t have the manpower? That is because it’s deployed at the whim of everyone white women with a cell phone reporting the threatening black person who is bar-b-queing, entering their own home, sitting in starbucks, napping in the student lounge of their dorm.... that takes up a ton of resources. Rather white men

The thing that bothers me about this disgusting display and all of the excuses being made for this man is that in 1984 lots of us were demanding that our schools and corporations divest from South Africa because of apartheid. We were all, in the southern school that I attended, well aware of shitty behavior like black