As America comes to grips with the fact that Donald Trump will soon be president, thousands of people around the…
As America comes to grips with the fact that Donald Trump will soon be president, thousands of people around the…
You were “annoyed” when Obama won? Well I am not annoyed. My friends, family and I are TERRIFIED. After 8 years of a Black president, white people were so angry that they elected an openly racist, misogynist man who was endorsed by all the major supremacist groups. Women, LGBT people, POC, and immigrants are scared…
FML I hate this FML I hate this FML I hate this FML I hate this
I have an 84 year old Jewish Grandmother who lived through WW2, went and got her Master’s degree, worked on both of Adlai Stevenson’s campaigns and managed to raise three pretty solid kids including my awesome Dad.
I proudly voted for Pramila Jayapal!
On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech and reminded little girls everywhere that they are…
Hoping Hillary’s loss embolden’s Dems and others to keep fighting and not tolerate bullshit just because it’s been made popular thanks to y’all’s new president:
“The Trump Administration”
Nothing makes me more sick to my stomach than the thought of the first black president having to smile and cede the White House to the chosen candidate of the KKK.
To my friends in the East, currently under the Shadow...your friends in the West have not forgotten you. And we are coming.
Blame white people. Blame white men in particular, but reserve plenty of blame for white women. Blame old people,…
Yesterday in my local grocery shop, I stood behind a disabled woman who couldn’t afford 2 cans of spam, a box of lemon bars and generic brand soup. My friend quickly paid for it and brought it out to her, and it brought this woman who had to ask the cashier after everything was scanned what she was up to cost wise to…
I am a cisgendered heterosexual white male. I have nothing to lose in a Trump America.
That actually happened to my neighbor last night. He didn’t beat her, but he verbally assaulted her and proudly announced that he was going out to cheat on her (and that he had been cheating with a younger, better looking woman).
And Hillary wins the popular vote too. More people voted for her than Trump.
What is the argument here? Are you bragging about how thin your skin is?
To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:
Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.
Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.