Nixon's Back

I actually got a polar bear which makes sense I’m tall, large, solitary, and don’t like being f’ed with. I don’t think Iorek would take it well if I also had a daemon that was a polar bear though.

This sadly still qualifies as possibly Trump’s most successful business venture. After all he’s used other peoples money at the foundation’s charity auctions to buy things for himself. And I do so hope this comes up at the first debate (less then a week!) resulting in one of his hilarious spastic acts.

Badgers. Those hair-trigger freaks are almost surgical in their viciousness, thus I imagine they’ll excise it quick and neatly.

Unless it is a piñata then it would be entertainment.

May Dr. Oz please recommend an arsenic and kale colonic to ease the flow of word diarrhea (and breath) that spews forth from Trump’s fetid maw. Amen. Is this how prayer works?

Dammit I don’t remember, I haven’t played since 2013.

Alright, I’ll engage. What I was referencing was during my first playthrough, as memorable. There were numerous other times where I went back through and used just the 9mm, combat knife, or even my fists to dispose of everyone in the camp. Was that the challenge story you were looking for prickly pear?

Storming the main legion camp and killing Caesar with Boone and Rex, probably one of my favorite NV moments. Goddamn I miss my assault carbine.

Anyone else smell that? It is almost as if some people are burning.

Wow, just wow. I want to state this one simply. *ahem* “Shut the fuck up Ann Coulter!”

Can Clarkson still say speed and power?

Another one that should be mentioned those vanity placards saying which college you’re an alumni of. We get it you went to Berkley, it doesn’t make your 7 year-old BMW 3 series, or yourself anymore special while on the road.

As far as I know, I was ungreyed just on Jezebel and The Slot. I have been wondering why.

I can’t believe that I haven’t Quantum Leaped yet. Of all the places I have leaped this is the second worst to the reality where Ted Cruz devoured a live platypus at the RNC and still got in the White House.

1. Chevy Vega

The era of the thin-skinned journalist seems to be a common thread for alot of the bans I’ve read about. Fantastic username, maybe that’s why you got banned!

A few of them are feminists as far as I know and from what I’ve read of their comments before. The language of some spoke volumes, although that could be partly because now that Gawker is shutting down they have nowhere to really go, so they’re going to act spiteful.

Also here you go, there are not nearly enough drunk cats here, people need cheering up!

Of course! It just seems weird that alot of people will bad-mouth [site] for “reasons” when it just seems they want to hate something. I don’t hate Deadspin, I just don’t care for it, thus you will never see me complain about them I have no reason to.

All I’ve ever seen from people talking about being banned from these sites has been pure conjecture.