
Yeah, but what about her new Judge Judy type show? Will that air if she gets a spot with Trump's nightmare brigade?

I hope it was Jettl93


I think they did a comic about that, if that helps. Saw it at the library.

I'd think they used ky on the creatures to get the light to bounce and whatever the hell McDonalds stuff for saliva.

I don't completely agree, but I just didn't buy the whole scene of her and the puppet. They tried to put her in Ash's role from ED2 with the hand and it just didn't work. At all.

Now we need to blast it in the future and ride dirt bikes!

That's sorta what popped in my head, as well.

Knowing is half the battle.

no, I. Was thinking of Prince of Darkness. But ive never seen Fortitude.

Phish need the great coral reefer to survive.

Yeah, I felt really bad for her constantly having to think "fine. I'll play this part, again, but someday….."


You're such a CHUD.

Your trailer sucks!

I lived with a 70 year old lesbian Moroccan who kept saying she was going to make me a man. By teaching me how to shave and approach women? I did not understand much of what she was about, as her personality changed by the hour.

Oh. Hi, Baytor!

Yuzna produced.


That tennis scene.