
Yeah, the problems are more numerous than creature design. We'll always have Rock n Roll Nightmare, though.

I erased wayans from my memory. Probably for the best.

I think you might need to. The lead is a tap dancer, I thought.

Who did he play? I remember the surprisingly good lead performance by someone who I don't think was known as an "actor"

I think the trailer may have promised something more than what was delivered.

I loved Bamboozled. Never got the outright hate of it.

Buy N Large bought by EES.

Was hoping to hear about Death Machine, but this was great.

Yes. The English asshole.

Dude playing Dirk reminds me of that horrible Film Brain, in the promos, so I don't think I can even fathom stomaching that for a full episode.

Yeah, but Robocop in 90 seconds or whatever was a trip.

There were varying prices. If you wanted a copy of Godzilla King of the Monsters, you were looking at nearly $100, as it was priced for rental stores to purchase and rent. "Sell through" was usually $10-20, but new blockbusters started higher.

A sequels to his movie starring him, an adult man, as a child? This is precalculus!

But what about female celebrities saying their goodbyes?

The Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends episode with Swarm freaked me out. Even Aunt May grew antennae and was a drone.

It would definitely have a different feel, no matter who they cast, but understanding that Jack isn't the hero is not something I would trust the studios to get.

The poor, poor put upon Warren's storyline was painful and kept derailing the movie. The running nun with a painting was hilarious, as well as the dog scene.

He's not the issue. The studio suits are.

Thanks! Think I'll try Good Omens first.
Yeah, my brain must have entered the e in there.

It's a movie that stuck with me after getting fooled by the VHS box, back in the day. Probably a Friday cuz I was 10 or 12 and video rental night was a treat. Trying to comprehend the weird AND not getting a horror flick was … Weird, I guess.