
Sorry I assumed he, especially when spelled without an e. I had a hard time finding sf and fantasy I enjoyed reading. Really enjoyed all of Xanth but never could find anything else. I'm not at a keyboard so I am giving a Cliffs Notes version of my thoughts.

Where can find his version? No snark. I have no idea who that is.

That's what they were called, huh? I had the gray one. Pretty boring toys.

I'd watch it for Gary Cole, my favorite demonic sheriff.


I'm not sure. It's good to know he is okay, though.

Is that where Palin Rules (which is still a thing happening) will air?

Nicely done, sir and/or madam.


Good to know. Thanks.

Some of that was pretty damn funny.

Makes me wonder what happened to Ricky. He seemed okay.

I thought you were Bobby, for a minute.

Palin Rules is still happening, though.

Google a great movie? But i already saw it.

Read it however you want, but your interpretation is just as heady, if not more. Nice discussion.

That is distressing.

Still have it?

His return to directing, Frankenstein Unbound, was very Roger Corman-like. Quite enjoyed that one.

It's not about beating it, it's about how you can't. Their struggle against the Tall Man is pointless. The reason they fight is because noone wants themselves or their loved ones to die, though. Much of Reggie's story is wanting his friends back, which is weird cuz he died in the first one, which was all about Mike