
Yeah, Coscarelli and Raimi seemed to be playfully poking at each other with the cars, weapons and psuedo heroes. That baggie always cracked me up.

Can you come up with a satisfactory way to beat death? Neither could this series and I don't think they ever intended to.

La la la
Just repeat to yourself Fox news is a joke
And hate you for your race

Not as disappointing as the movie.

I don't think they used man in suit, this time.

What about bark beetles?

But…..don't do it…..I said….

Just dont remake Suspiria.

While I didn't go door to door, I sold expensive waterless greaseless cookware to engaged couples for 10 years and the only regrets are for the people that signed on that I knew couldn't afford it. Trying to talk them out of it didnt always work.

The drawing in the book.

Thought that was more an ED2 reference.

Ori and the Blind Forest. It's absolutely beautiful and has me wondering if there's actually an anime out there.

Eh, I never considered that. I was almost 40 and could no longer do the job I used to, so I was just happy to be employed and supporting my family (as best you can at those wages).

I ended up at McDs and luckily fell upwards into maintenance quickly. But this big wig lady hated me. She made fun of me for having a messed up arm (it didn't heal correctly from a break) so I had to do a certain task in parts. But the worst was that she told me to clean the dumpsters. She said the other stores kept

"People won't call Sean Hannity .. Sean Hannity…"

"Birrrdy num nums."

I lile it, spooky.

That's depressing. Learned something, though. We were born in the same city.

I agree. Civil War was kinda boring.

Pointless story: I saw this at the theater and had a great time. It got a fairly big release and played the regular multiplexes. When the credits began to roll, the dude in front of me said to his group "Shit, I didn't know it was in a different language. Why do they do that?". Perfect ending.