
This is going to be the same disappointment best animated feature is. A way to shunt films off so it’s only once every decade or so that something sneaks over to the ‘Best Picture’ category, like “Up”, “Beauty and the Beast” or “Toy Story 3" did - and that “Coco”, “Spirited Away” or others maybe should have...

Again, if something is good, it’s an Oscar/Nobel/Artistic Award category good. If it’s “meh” but popular, then it’s genre fiction ghetto time.

Yeah, they have to quarantine the “effects” movies from the “real” movies.

The reality is that nobody’s given a shit about the Oscars for decades. It used to be a big deal — back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, people would be interested in stuff like Amadeus, Platoon, Unforgiven, Dances With Wolves, Silence of the Lambs, Schindler’s List, Titanic, etc. People would get upset because Star Wars and Raid

“Opportunity’s Bitch”

Yeah, complaining that the Blue Raja isn’t funny because it doesn’t make sense is like complaining that Monty Python isn’t funny because it doesn’t make sense. The entire joke is that it DOESN’T make sense. That’s British Absurdism.

Yeah, central joke with Raja that he super-committed to this over-complicated persona that no one else understand or care about. Which, as jokes go, far too complex to be ha-ha funny. But me also know people like that (and to some degree am people like that), so it rang true for me.

But in Mystery Men, he’s the Blue Raja, a guy who lives at home but who, in his superhero character, speaks in a fake British accent, wears a turban, and throws cutlery at people. And I do not understand what’s supposed to be funny about him.

Clumsily? Clumsily?! CLUMSILY?!?!!! I am a ticking time bomb of fury!

The Sphinx: [looks at the watermelon on Mr. Furious’ feet] I don’t remember telling you to do that.

But why was he wearing the watermelon on his feet??

This movie really does have some great lines.

Wait... Bruce Wayne becomes Batman?!?!?