
Mostly because it's a terrible show.

Trashy trash cinema.

When people say this I'm reminded of the quote "You are not IN the traffic, you ARE the traffic."

I don't really get the hate for Tirico. The man can do it all, from tennis to football, and he's generally very pleasant and easy to listen to. Not glamorous but just a really good commentator.

Dude, I need a draaaank

Found under "phrases you don't use often".

Dude, Tim Robbins MAKES this show. He's so much fun to watch.

You basically described every Isner match.

Fucking hilarious…and I don't even know why I found it so funny. Maybe because it was so subtle.

Oh god that was hilarious.

It was slow but constant. The only character who probably didn't enough depth was Jerry

I felt like 30 Rock tried too hard. Over time it's manicness grew tiresome. Parks & Rec, imo, had a better balance of silliness and, imo, the characters were more loveable. I really wanted to punch most people in 30 Rock after a couple seasons.

You must hate turbotax, eh?

At corn country Northern Illinois (Go Huskies!) you can get a crap two bedroom apt for $850 bucks. Why anyone think you could get a glorious house for that much anywhere near Iowa's campus is beyond me.

I dunno… I was kind of looking forward to BROADjigging.

I was one of those college kid Chappelle fans. While my fellow students were guilty of over using phrases and probably not getting a lot of it, I don't think they enjoyed it because black people were called the n-word. I think we were amused by all the graphic language and racial jokes…white, black, or other. It

This is not at all similar.