I'm taking my name off this...
Just began employment at probably the largest union employer in the country. Some of the many benefits I’ve seen so far include:
If this comment gets stuck in the greys, tell my wife "Hello".
Looking forward to Minding the Gap, my hometown (for better and worse) is heavily featured, curious to see how it is portrayed.
+1 Love the Tentacle
If this fight isn’t live steamed, I’ll be very disappointed.
Yes he is, my father in law watches it daily. From what I can tell, it’s about 40% “Who’s the father?”, 40% “Is X cheating on me”, 10% “X is out of control”, 10% some combination of the above.
I’m 41 and I’m down to at best 2 male friends, neither of whom I’ve seen in months.
I would bet good money that Dogma made more people actually THINK about religion and faith than any of the “Christian” movies of the past decade.
Mayhem is everywhere...
Also, could you Rastafy the niece about 10%?
....which has significant negative health effects yet would not usually be a big deal for a student athlete to have in his system.
There was a significant decline, but they have now leveled off to slight increases in total work volume. While letter volume is down, package volume is significantly up, both thanks to the internet. Additionally, a lot of the carriers are retirement eligible, so a lot of full time positions are coming available.
Cognitive Psychology, like with most of academia the full time positions are non existent anymore. After struggling for years as an adjunct and a visiting professor, I’ve still nothing to show for it. Luckily, I’m starting at the post office in a couple weeks, good pay and job security for once in my life.
I have a PhD from the US that’s nearly worthless, but that’s not why you called.
I would argue that V has enough quality tracks to warrant recommendation.