Llama Breath

In problem solving, reasoning and decision making, heuristics are means for making decisions that are quick, mentally efficient, and usually accurate. We build heuristics based on prior experience and they get us to a good (enough) solution most of the time. The downside is that sometimes they can lead us astray,

Which is partially why the variance is higher for 2pt attempts, along with the higher fail rate. I don’t think much will change, as stated above, about 1 game/week will be impacted by a missed PAT. What could happen is that kickers may get cut sooner if they demonstrate any weakness at the new distance (95% won’t be

Hell, the entire park could be Mario Kart and I'd stay for 2 weeks.

The A.V. Club

I do not apologize for the fact that about 40% of my collection and common playlists come from this block of time. Yes, there was a lot of crap, but so does any block of time in music history. You don't have to like it, that's fine with me, but I feel that you are the one missing out.

Back in grad school, there was a theater nearby that ran a midnight feature most weekends during the semester. Every year they had one weekend that was a "Mystery night", you just showed up and saw whatever they got. The one time I was able to catch this with my future wife, they showed both parts of Kill Bill.

Well then tell him to get out!

Honestly, if THIS is the reason Bryant signs elsewhere in seven years, there will be another reason why he will sign elsewhere in seven years.

Exactly, just a few months back I drove from Rockford, IL (northernmost part of the state) to Houston in one day, by myself. Hell, 2 weekends ago I drove from NO to Houston, which is around the same distance and I'm guessing at least as big of a pain to drive (Anyone who has ever been on I-10 in Louisiana during a

Whether watching the remake for the first time makes you a virgin even if you’ve already seen the original movie is still under debate.

Damn I need to go back and watch Cube again. I remember at least liking all of the films in the series, they always came across as being a bit different, even when they weren't.

It's barely really a joke, but when the kid replies to Bender telling him to go to bed with a petulant "But it's ten in the morning!" busts me up every time. The read on the line is so perfect.

Bo Dallas, WWE's Scientologist. I can see it now, his work helps Slater or Ryder win the IC belt, leading other lower card names to follow. The whole group gets progressively more unstable and insidious until it's revealed they had somehow gained control of part of the company, forcing a battle against the McMahons

"Yep, there's your answer Fishbulb" gets used as much as any Simpsons quote in my house, usually anytime someone on TV discovers the simple truth of a mystery.


Honestly, if Cena had come out to America (Fuck Yeah!), I would have declared or the greatest thing ever.

Paprika, the dream qualities already seen in normal circumstances become trance like after sufficient mental alteration.

Oh never mind, this is a Bohr heavy episode anyway.

That's not a nice thing to say about Vince

May be mentored elsewhere, but there are at least two ships from album covers (Boston and ELO), maybe more?