Evidently Porsche are trying to recapture some of the previous version ugliness through paint schemes.
Evidently Porsche are trying to recapture some of the previous version ugliness through paint schemes.
OMG that’s the lion from The Banana Splits. I haven’t seen that for almost 5 decades!
Looks like something out of 1930s Germany to me. Uhmm....
As if we neoplebs didn’t need another reminder we’re on the outside looking in on the New Gilded Age. Thanks, Merbama.
you can get yourself taken off junk mailing lists, it’s not hard. I did it, now I get virtually no junk. It seems that companies will always find a way around restrictions, or just break the law so there’s still some. I always took everything and put it in the recycling anyway, much like this postal worker did,…
I believe I spy a Ballaban, lurking not gawking.
Is this the future of Jalopnik? Do I have to go on Instagram now? I’ve managed to avoid it this far.
Mamma mia even (I guess we’ll never get a post-submit edit function now?)
Mamma mia! The ultimate JaloP1. Brown carbon fibre McLaren. Someone send me a few million bucks, stat!
Sounds like you weren’t the only ones who evacuated...
True. There are ways of creating soundtracks without murdering polar bears though. See BMW et al.
BTW, in your screen grab, it looks like the original pic is actually larger than the “zoomed in” version. What’s up with that?
I came here - like 22 others currently - to point this out. Glad someone else already brought it up.
Great article/interview! When I grew up in England in the 70s there were a few of these huge American land yachts in town, mostly parked up on the street after the 1973 oil embargo took hold. I fell in love with American cars of that era in large part because of these unfeasible behemoths. (Also this was the era of…
I’m thinking Jalopnik/Ballaban gave themselves plausible well-yeah-but-ability by citing “modern”.
I’m sure that if you have enough money to buy a P1 you have enough to buy 2.
I need to watch this any time I have thoughts about returning to the home country: immediately dispels any such notions!
OMG, did that guy’s head come right off?!
We all know Hope Solo shot first.
And the Oscar for Fidgeting In a Hot Metal Can goes to ... <opens envelope> ... Kenny Baker! RIP Mr. Baker, you were one of the ones who made Star Wars the epic it will always be.