
@Spoony Bard: I have those. They are freaking sweet. If you like those, you might like [] . All of them in that neat retro style.

@NitrousO: In this case Muu, hence the thanks Muu line next to the link.

@Cantih: They get tips from readers. Im guessing this one was a tip.

I havent bought a DVD in ages. Probably because they are too expensive when its comes to the amount of entertainment you get out of a DVD vs the price when compared to a game which can give you days of entertainment for the same amount of money.

@mindf1ow: That robot was so awesome. Someone needs to build a papercraft of that thing. Lifesize, preferably.

@Sensai: Yup. Seems like every couple of months we get a new greatest game of all time... *stares at GTAIV and MGS IV*

@NitrousO: Whoops, read that wrong. It does lose in a few tests.

@Shandy706: You mean Windows 7 outperforms Vista by a significant amount right? I don't think Vista beat Windows 7 once in those tests.

@wheelis: Yes. Yes they do. :P

@CozmikMonkey: Was that an actual transcript of the conversation? It seems too likely to be made up.

@Zootalor: One question. Did you play it with friends? Like 3 friends? It goes from good to awesome when you do. Friends make games like Halo, Smash, and Vesperia bloody awesome.

@HikariOblivion: It's because they squeezed out pure brilliance. The game itself is good, but the multiplayer combined with the amazing tools and distribution system for user created content was a winning strategy. I won't be surprised if this games effects are seen in upcoming games.

@Derek Rumpler: I think some have been pretty free about creation in the past, but the problem has always been that your creation will never be played by anyone else. This game brilliantly opens it up to the world. I hope every game uses a system like theirs for distribution of user created content in the future.

@kwkwyjib0: The Oscars are flawed. WALL-E wasn't even nominated for best film because it was... GASP! animated. No the silly best animated film booby prize category doesn't count D:<

The thing that will always surprise me about Uwe Boll is how he is never even phased by the incredible amount of negative feedback he gets. I would have given up and tried to either A. Improve my movies or B. Changed careers. He instead just kept doing what he always has and seems hell bent on becoming some kind of

@Antiterra: Zak and Wiki and Okami deserved to be on everyone's buy list but they weren't. On the other side of the coin, we (America) produce enough shovelware that we could probably bury Japan if we wanted.

@Witzbold: You make it sound like we Americans are more realistic and realize its about running a business. The auto industry here seems to show we are just as bad.

Sooo... can they still go to Ebay? I honestly didn't know there was a Yahoo Auctions and if Ebay still allows their sale, then it seems kind of pointless.

"Disturbance in the workforce" Awesome tag.