
@fatheadwilson: Probably. Fanboys have difficulty hearing things that aren't what they want to be true. Morons (SDF, Xbots, ect.) like living in a strange world where everything goes as they wish it would, and they are prepared to pick fights and call people names if it does not. Why they do this is one of the great

@Adnoz: Because apparently he is a troll. Judging by his past posts, he takes every chance he gets to start a flame war.

@RawSteelUT: ATI, while not a part of AMD at the time, also made the graphics chip for the Gamecube.

@monster79: Circuit city was always better than my local Best Buys, both in prices (which often beat the internet, and in service). Sad to see them go too. Amazon will have to pick up the slack as Best Buy is just flat out evil in my experience.

@Jason: Thank you for summing it up better than I could.

@ArdelisPlover: Im pretty sure its to help with the liquidation. Here, they hired a bunch of guys to stand on corners and wave signs.

@Alternate: No way man. Having a brother or someone like them is awesome because then you have someone to play your games with. Super Smash and Battle Tanks would never have been anywhere near as fun by myself.

The thought of this game is too good to be true but I will wait for reviews.

@vorpal_raddish: Do you mean the PS3? I looked at the 2007 article and the graph shows the Wiis at significantly less (lower line on the graph) and the PS3s topping out near 2,500 (higher line on the graph).

Talking about MMO crashes of O8 and no mention of Warhammer?!

@LokeSTL: Sony might if the planets align. Physics themselves would have to alter to cause MS or Nintendo to price drop right now.

@beeporama (brian.j.parker): Only if they dont carry the shovelware that comes with the far fewer good games that come out of Ubisoft.

You guys should try and convince one of these companies showing off these enormous TVs to let you play games on them.

@Colossi: Im waiting for a Mass Effect 2 announcement for anything. I want more Mass Effect now D:< !

@AbramKollarbear: Would have preferred more brown? :P Having been to Alaska, I can relatively safely say, that while the DLC is not terribly colorful, it is true to Alaska.

@xAnarChisTx: There are none. The only reason to upgrade is if you want wireless. Then you get a G7. If not, then dont bother.

The part that kills me is they make the photos in such a way as to down play the cord but at that price, the thing better be wireless with the best batteries money can buy. Makes me love my cheaper G7s all the more.

Awesome. Too bad I could never afford one.

@MetaKz: As far as I can tell, they stopped doing them. Shame really, some were bloody hilarious.