
@CitizenTian: The type of sandwich would be the deal breaker though.

Was just thinking to myself that there was a ton of banning and disemvoweling going on and then right on cue, this post appeared. Did Kotaku get an influx of new people or are the vets slowly going senile?

@Terry: Stop spouting reason here! The trolls dont understand it. :P

Impressive. Most the time when people try stuff like this, I can't sit through it but he did a pretty good job on all parts of it.

The last one is genuinely awesome.

URL link is busted. Site seems fine though.

Now I wish they had actually said OMG GIANT WORM EAT CITY :(

@peterpanpiper: I rarely stoop to these levels but here, I just can't help myself so I will just say it... lol stupid troll

@NitrousO: Forgot to mention that none of us knew the cheat at the time. Was the cheat for money something like "Give me money or give me death" and then the game would either give you money or crash?

@Frank: I loved when we were allowed to play it at school. Everyone had horrible cities that were going bankrupt except for me. I had the Arcologies and all.

@SAGA: Never played it but from what I understand, it was good, not great. What made it unusual though was that no one really expected it to be good. Always nice when something that you had low hopes for completely surprises you (a rare occurrence these days).

@QuadeAristomachus: The cloth in Splinter Cell probably was following an animation, meaning it would do essentially the same thing regardless of whether you chucked a brick at it. This cloth is reacting realistically (or at least as realistic as possible) to the "environment".

@wfreiden: This is EA. When have they ever done anything to make you think they wont try to charge you more?

Well I love Bioware, enough to want to give this game a shot, but if this is true then I definitely wont be playing it. Either do a subscription or not but don't nickel and dime me.

@tzaketh: Seconded. The second I read that he pointed a gun at the cops, I lost all sympathy for him. He was genuinely ready to kill in the name of getting the 360 and again to get away with it.

@killah101: Would have to be free. I swear that if anything is more than 99 cents, people will kill and be killed for it. People do some of the most retarded crap in the name of saving money.

@skaterguy18: What kind of a neighborhood is it like out of curiosity?