
Why did a music company buy them? Im a little confused as to what benefit they saw from this... unless album tie in games are coming. My gods. This will unleash a flood that will make the flood of crummy movie tie in games look like a trickle!

This is going to be awesome. BF2 is among the best games ever created IMO.

Thats right across the bay from me, maybe I should check it out :D

The smart thing to do would be to make this Sam Fishers swan song, to avoid any further awkwardness with the voice. If people dont mind the new voice, they can always bring him back. Besides Sam Fisher is getting to be older and I dont know if he can hold up as well as Snake somehow did.

Neat but does it do anything else or should I just be lazy and wait to 2.4?

D: The movie critic in me is still disappointed from MGS2 but the gamer in me remembers having fun playing MGS2. I think Im going to have to get this game eventually.

I have really high hopes for this now that I know it will have some sort of Coop campaign in it. Hoping they make the controls work well since Im still wary or RTS games on a console.

@Luke Plunkett: It still looks awesome, and if I had to guess from pictures alone who is winning I would say MS cause that thing looks mean but I still dont know what it is :(

@Spacehog85: Exactly my thoughts. Seems like they want to muscle out competition on this one.

What the hell is that in the picture?! A robotic shark monster?

A second commenting czar?! This is going to be like the French Reign of Terror. People will be woken up in the night and banhammered! To the ban shelters!

Im tempted to play it but the legendary difficulty of that series has always scared me off.

Neat! Still going to play it on the PC though since I have a nice joystick for my computer.

White is the new beige :S

That glowing eyes thing kills me everytime I see it.

I still dont understand how it sold as well as it did with those review scores.

Still on the fence. :S

@Thorax: Say it like guy-den