
@Thorax: Gaiden, I believe, is Japanese for story.

@adamonfire: Pff, I dont see how this could be more fun than the Halo theme. The Halo theme just works better with a guitar. Of course this is merely my opinion.

The more you know!

Its times like this that I feel that the system DOES work and it makes me feel great.

@R3load: If you had played EQ (Im assuming you didnt), you would understand that there was something inherently cool about that sort of feeling of mystery. Like when you could get genuinely lost blundering around in a forest.

@invictus: I see where your coming from but the problem with that is that once you have gone and explored it, its simply a chore. Sure riding the boat in EQ was fun the first time, but can your really tell me that missing the 30 minute boat ride for the nth time because you ran to the bathroom is fun? Modern MMOs lose

My sister and I had a sort of Odyssey looking for two copies of Age of Conan. Everyplace was sold out until we happened on one Target. Amazing how popular that game is right now.

@Hawko: I think its because people are genuinely worried that they are the future, and with we have seen on Blackwater, its with good reason.

@cello: Exactly how I feel except you summed it up better. ;D

I love gaming and always have but I think the guy is right. In terms of real meaningful achievement, I don't think anything I have ever done in videogames (nor any other gamer) would qualify. The developers could be considered to have achieved something in making many of the wonderful games we play but the actual

@mva5580: You really think that the shovelware has a right to be there? These games get crap reviews not from one man, but virtually universally.

@Numerous: Again how it sells isnt important if it gets a half decent rating (and it is NOT hard to get a 65 on metacritic). Once it has a 65 or better, it cant be deleted.

Did people not see the ands between the requirements or something? I think this is great. If your game got above a 65, it cant get deleted. That basically eliminates any game worth getting from getting removed. The conversion rate thing saves any free games from going bye bye (In theory and this would unfortunately

MS seems to do pretty well but there are only two titles for them so the quality of any conclusions you might be able to draw is questionable at best. Only one that seems really bad is Nintendo but then again thats also the one with the most global releases.

This reminds me of that old Penny Arcade comic where EA announces they will be buying the earth and dropping the last three letters off its name.

Awesome. Now if only they can have an awesome story to go with the neat graphics.

I really am still hoping that TakeTwo fends them off.

@The_Phiphler: I played the open beta. It was the buggiest and laggiest thing I ever saw. My friends still joke about cruising around the country side stuck in the crouch position because the servers were lagging so bad. WoW didnt even have an endgame when it first came out. The raid instances came online shortly

How come you nobody complained about the 10s and 9s WoW got on the first day?

@BlinkinPark182: At least these do things. 90 percent of Wii attachments are simply crummy pieces of plastic. Bet they are even made of better plastic than those wii attachments. Afraid to touch those Wii attachments because they are so crummy, they might leech toxic chemicals straight into your skin.