
This is why Trump is President. Fuck these people, and fuck all of you as well. This shitty country full of dumb shits always distracted by the shiny object deserves someone just as dumb as them to lead their government. You guys are just as dumb as them. Youre both obsessed with the same meaningless bullshit, just as

I think some people just aren’t as obsessed with symbolism as others. Furthermore,

But why though? It realistically wouldn’t cost them to put the whole catalog on there? The games don’t have to be ported, the thing just plays roms in an emulator and the roms are what, 8-32mB a piece?

No. Stop bring an uptight bitch ass instead lololol

Why not? Seems like an easy way to fuck over some annoying shitbag streamer ! Lol

140% markup? Or 40 bits per transaction?

I think we all know the answer to that one.

Yes, shallow AND pedantic

“I don’t know what I’m talking about, but -” do go on

Because the perspective has to work no matter where the player is. If they want an open world at the level they are describing they HAVE to do it this way, or some other way than the skybox way.

Baseless rambling?

The narratives and dialogue in these games are always, always make you throw up in your mouth and/or jump off a building level of bad, so who really cares about the character of Dante.

I’ve been on the internet longbuter than you.

What the fuck even is this?

It’s only two games. It sucks, but I don’t think this is really a thing. There is at least one other game that plays across PS4 and PC. Not sure if this is that much of an issue.

No you don’t you lying bitch

We could charge you to shut the fuck up and keep your whining ass bullshit to yourself?

How many does nintendo gave on the switch? 1?

Roller coaster of public opinion from the 10 people who even give a shit either way

It happens when someone pours their heart and soul into something then has random shit fucks on the internet talk about it like a bunch of fucking idiots which is what we are all doing right now.