Plecostomus is a starred commenter

seriously. since when did ‘free speech’ mean tolerating fucking actual nazis and people marching with fucking torches?

for the love of fuck please tell me that’s not a real thing

someone needs to fix the wiki then, and every auto parts website assumes i have an auto without the dropdown for manual... idk.

I couldn’t find ANY on the west coast; east coast you have BMW NA so more weird stuff ends up on your coast; though here we certainly have volume and rust free cars

I specifically bought an E39 that had just had its trans replaced with a rebuilt one and all the annoying E39 6-Cyl cooling lines already done, that was what sold me. my regret was not getting a 540it instead, but the idea of the timing chain on that scares the piss out of me

where the fuck did you find a manual because I’ve never seen one or heard of one stateside that wasn’t a conversion

ummmm those are stock. wtf are you on about.

not in the USA, they didn’t. If such a thing existed in the USA*, I’d have bought one.

regrettably the E39 Touring was never offered with a manual in the USA. Any manuals are either conversions, imports or maybe a weirdo BMW Individual non production order. With the E39, you had the option of 525i / 528i or 540i, and that was pretty much it. I understand there were two automatic transmission options

this is why when my FiST was totalled by an inattentive truck, I got an E39 touring. Same wheels, but titan silver. Great daily, extremely practical and full of features.

oh please please let them run that headline on jalopnik.

you know, we wouldn’t have this self loathing problem if we weren’t constantly being told how terrible we are.
if all i hear is negative/corrections about whatever i’m doing then i’m going to assume i’m not good at anything and burdensome to you.

i thought that might’ve been the case but it didn’t look like the waterline scar on the carrier ship allowed that

while some might be inclined to take that as xenophobic you make valid points; online gaming with VOICE CHAT should matchmake players of the same language, and obviously ping - its weird to insert a high ping player from china into what is otherwise a low-ping game.

how the hell do they load a boat onto that thing and then unload it again at destination?

this. Heimdall is def magic, and he’s certainly a “negro” but ‘magical negro trope’ he is not.

While Heimdall is a ‘negro’ and definitely ‘magic’, I really don’t feel like Heimdall falls into the “magical negro” trope, that’s selling him short, don’t you think? I mean I for one was pretty stoked they figured out how to insert a black man into Asgard and continuing to do so when I mean FFS it’s Nordic myth, and

in this context, you’d rather hang with Navy vet guy than a group of NFL players? i think the NFL dudes would be way the hell more fun lol


Trebek has never sexually assaulted a contestant... he has however DESTROYED CONTESTANTS with kinda mean but sick burns.

he might, but to me, money is worthless if my brains not there to enjoy it.

i am deeply disappointed in the lack of BMW logos.