oh, what an asshole he must’ve been. Only eats 20s. I mean, what a dick move. I don’t even know what I’d do if I found my dogs literally EATING MONEY... and being snobs about the denomination, too.
the quirks of dogs, man.
oh, what an asshole he must’ve been. Only eats 20s. I mean, what a dick move. I don’t even know what I’d do if I found my dogs literally EATING MONEY... and being snobs about the denomination, too.
the quirks of dogs, man.
FUCK PETA, FUCK THEM SO HARD. I am sure that other commenters will be chiming in to point out that
I’m not even Jewish and I am deeply concerned by the behaviors displayed for the same reasons as you. I learned about the United States’ rather sordid history of being fucked up to groups of other ethnicities or religions - the Stimson Report was the eye opener for me - and that was where I drew the line and said,…
The kidney grille is “narrower” now?? It looks ridiculously wide.
by filling it with the rotting corpses of disgusting southie feddies who seek to defend the confederacy in modern times. they are traitors to america and therefore enemy combatants that must be executed. if they love the confederacy so much, they can lie in the dirt with their filthy feddie kin.
i subscribe to your viewpoint but take it to a more extreme level. people crying about “erasing history” are themselves confederates -hereafter referred to by the slur “southie feddies” and hereafter described as the subhuman filth that they are. all neo nazis and confederate advocates are enemy combatants and…
i do the lock-check thing whenever i leave my car, as well as when -anyone- I don’t know is around my car regardless of skin color
FWIW a black person has never broken into my car, but fucking methed out white people have. the ding dong even stole a completely-worthless-because-it’s-VIN-Locked-To-My-Car tuner device…
you also can’t tell white people that they have no place in trying to fix the fucked up behavior of other white people; it’s our problem, too.
by the way, as a former part of the LEO community, “I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6" is NOT A THING among normal cops...
jesus fuck, i’d hate to know what other shit came out of -her- academy.
See, I hear you with Donald Trump being a chicken, but hold up, you’re on the same train of thought as I am about Kimmie Jr - he’s a crazy motherfucker and fresh out of fucks to give. And that is what makes him so fucking dangerous. It’s that neither of these two ding dongs has an ounce of restraint and not even a…
this is what breaks my heart the most about Law Enforcement.
You know, I went to a Police Academy and went in all naive thinking that “fresh thinking can make a difference”, and “it’s not really that bad” and they swear to you up and down about how morally upstanding the LEO community is and how we’re “held to a higher…
I thought Barefoot Gen already did a great job with this...
been seeing a real nasty pic of a cat caught in an engine the last couple weeks.
Well consider how Harley dealers treat people, the dickhead sales guys probably derided everyone who came in looking at a Buell as “not a real bike”.
Woof that had to be a spirit breaker and made him feel like he was just the worst when in reality he was probably pretty good, just up against insane competition
your article is basically describing a Japanese Bento Box.
agreed, it makes it awkward to engage in the activity you are there to do - get inebriated - and children make it very uncomfortable for every other patron. there are places you simply don’t bring kids, and establishments whose sole purpose is to get you drunk are one of those.
I have friends that do try to reach out and invite my fiance to stuff however the a large number of the people they hang out with all work in child development.
There is nothing LESS INTERESTING than listening to people ramble on and on and on about KIDS THAT AREN’T EVEN THEIRS... I mean for chrissakes who cares what…
I am disappointed there’s no sound clip.