
I have it on my android, and it its quite annoying. I use it mostly for the messaging service, but I tried to redeem codes too. I find it easier to go on your browser to do it, which is really sad.

Very observant. I too thought of Gohan once I looked at his hair. I am actually looking forward to this now, especially since it is on PS4. Now we need a next gen Gundam game.

I wasn't sure if it was the one I totally forgot about, or the Vita one that requires extra downloads to be a full game. No wonder Namco is taking a break from them.

I never bothered with it when it was out because I had no idea what it was, and I had no desire to play online. Looks like it would have been a lot of fun though.

And, don't worry. Murray tells me they really do have everything backed up now. It only takes one bad hit to learn that lesson.

Tuesday, July 1: ...Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn (PS3 - PSN), Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4 - PSN)

You can always count on classy Mr. Fahey.

Great read, and I am very excited for this game to come out.

My girlfriend got me into MTG recently, and I have to say I enjoy collecting the cards way too much.

Looks really nice, but I don't know if I am ready for another game like that just yet :/

I know a lot of grown men that will be playing this kids game.

A little too steep for my blood, but that is probably one of the best renditions I have ever seen.

Thanks. This is actually what I needed this morning.

This brings lawn art to a whole new level...

I actually liked Fallout 2 much more than I expected I would. I loved the original, but for some reason I expected it to be lackluster, but I was wrong.

If you own a Vita, it is free for this weeks PS+. I bought it for my phone 2 weeks ago, and loved it.

I never gave Lufia a shot growing up. I am not sure why now, but I was probably more into Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.

I agree. I played my nephews version on the mac and I was bored in about 15 minutes. I was more enthralled with Terraria than I was with MineCraft.

I am really not looking forward to very many FPS' this year. Destiny is going to be my favorite, and Rainbow Six will be great when it is finally out. I have played a bit of Hardline, and like it, but probably won't buy it.